中餐,午餐,午饭和中饭有什么区别? 中餐,午餐,午饭和中饭有什么区别?
١٠ مايو ٢٠٢٠ ٢١:٥٨
الإجابات · 17
١١ مايو ٢٠٢٠
"中餐"=Chinese food, but sometimes “中餐” is also used as “Lunch”。 “午餐”=“午饭”=“中饭”=Lunch You could find that these four words are permutated and combined among "中午“ , "饭" and "餐"。 we used "中" or "午" as time, "饭" or ”餐“ as action. you could call dinner or breakfast in the similar way. such as 晚饭/餐, 早饭/餐。 generally, 饭 is more oral and common, 餐 is more formal
١١ مايو ٢٠٢٠
When we talk about western food, or Chinese food, we would say “西餐” “中餐”。 午餐 and 午饭 in Chinese are common. We have 午餐 or 午饭,meaning we have lunch. Both are ok. As for 中饭, I know what you mean, you are talking about lunch, but we usuall say "中午饭”. We usually say "早饭or 早餐” “晚饭or 晚餐”. When we talk about lunch, we also say "中午饭” , not "中饭” , at least I never say 中饭, I am not sure if people in other parts of China say like that.
١١ مايو ٢٠٢٠
中餐=chinese food 午餐=午饭=中饭=lunch,午餐 and 午饭 used more commonly
١١ مايو ٢٠٢٠
中餐代表中式餐饮,就是“来自中国的菜”。 午餐,午饭,中饭都意思之间没有区别。 "中餐"bedeutet chinesische Küche. "午餐,午饭,中饭" haben gleiche Meinung wie Mittagessen
١٠ مايو ٢٠٢٠
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