what's the difference between"recommend" and "commend" F.E.:1.Can you recommend me a good lawyer? 2.I should like to commend this dictionary to you it's all have the meaning of "推荐" so i don't know what is the exaclt difference
١١ سبتمبر ٢٠١٠ ٠٣:٤٦
الإجابات · 3
Recommend: I will recommend you to my boss if you're interested in getting a job. I recommend the lasagne, it's very good. Commend: I commend you on your excellent work. I commended the chef on such a great meal
١١ سبتمبر ٢٠١٠
I'll take your first example: 1.a Can you recommend me a good lawyer? 1.b Can you commend me your good lawyer? we "recommend" someone or something that goes with what is required, while we "commend" something or someone by delivering over to someone's care. In other words, "recommend" is more of 'suggesting' and "commend" is of 'entrusting'. therefore: 1.a Can you recommend me a good lawyer? = Can you suggest a good lawyer? 1.b Can you commend me your good lawyer? = Can you entrust me your good lawyer? :)
١١ سبتمبر ٢٠١٠
Commend means; 1.Express approval of 2.Present as worthy of regard, kindness, or confidence "His paintings commend him to the artistic world" 3.Give to in charge 4.Express a good opinion of 5.Mention as by way of greeting or to indicate friendship while recommend refers to: 1.Push for something "The travel agent recommended strongly that we not travel on Thanksgiving Day" 2.Express a good opinion of 3.Make attractive or acceptable "Honesty recommends any person" cowboy...
١١ سبتمبر ٢٠١٠
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