請問希特勒鬍子的英文叫做? Moustache, beard, goatee, about the moustache of Hitler?
١٤ يناير ٢٠١١ ٠٨:١٠
الإجابات · 7
We say: Hitler mustache.
١٤ يناير ٢٠١١
Another alternate name: Toothbrush moustache.
١٤ يناير ٢٠١١
I heard the joke many years go. Is this worldwide joke?
١٤ يناير ٢٠١١
Technically is it s "Toothbrush" mustache, but yes, we commonly call it a "Hitler" mustache because he is one of the most infamous people to have the mustache.
١٩ يناير ٢٠١١
what joke?
١٤ يناير ٢٠١١
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