我应该怎样开始学习英语? 毕业后已工作十年时间,英语的音标都忘记了,但我很想学好英语,请教各位朋友我应该怎样开始学呢?我的梦想是和外国人交流及到外国旅游! 我想报读一个英语初级班从音标学起,然后认真背单词和语句,请问这个方式开始学习正确吗?谢谢
١٧ أبريل ٢٠١١ ٠٥:٠٠
الإجابات · 1
I would recommend starting with grammar, that's how I learned Japanese and it's the most effective method for adults. There are a set of 250 or so common words you need to learn to start having basic conversations. The rest is up to you to practice speaking English as much as possible. The way I'm studying French currently is to think of basic things I would want to say, like asking "Why is the sky blue?" and finding a translation of it. Then come up with as many variations as I can think of using different language constructs. It also helps to get a grammar book or teacher to explain the why and how of the grammar constructs you're learning, so you can learn to construct new sentence patterns on your own. For example, I came up with sentences like these for my French studies: Why is the sky blue? (is X) Why is the tree not blue? (is not X) Why do you sleep? (do, intransitive-verb) Why do you eat apples? (do, transitive-verb) ...
٢٢ أبريل ٢٠١١
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