I think the most important factor playing role for great businesses is the leader. Good team works are also essential for the success. In the markets, there are always some varieties of opportunities to achieve great outcome. Of course, we can’t take all of those opportunities because our skills are usually limited. The good leaders should understand the company well enough, know their company’s strength and have vision to see opportunities that their company can achieve. It will take the time to train people, research and develop toward their goal until the great success. So in my opinions, the crucial factor is the leader who has good vision(based on understanding strength of company and the need of market) and can guide the teams toward the goal.
٨ يونيو ٢٠٢١ ١٦:٣٣
التصحيحات · 2
I think the most important factor playing a role for great businesses is the leader. Good team work is also essential for the success. In the markets, there is always a variety of opportunities to achieve a great outcome. Of course, we can’t take all of those opportunities because our skills are usually limited. A good leader should understand the company well enough, know their companies strength and have vision to see opportunities that their company can achieve. It takes time to train people, research and develop toward their goal until achieving great success. So in my opinions, the crucial factor is the leader who has good vision(based on understanding, strength of company and the need of market) and can guide the teams towards their goal.
Good effort, well done.
٨ يونيو ٢٠٢١
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