I was studying on psychology major. We were talking about the psyche of people and animals. Animals have feelings, emotions, they can think and make decisions the same as people. So where is the difference between us? Our teacher said “Unlike animals, people can make their thoughts into the real subject. Like If dog and person think about the house, dog just thinks, person will build”.
٩ يونيو ٢٠٢١ ٠٧:٢١
التصحيحات · 3
I am studying for a psychology major. We were talking about the psyche of people and animals. Animals have feelings and emotions, they can think and make decisions just the same as people do. So what is the difference between us? Our teacher said “Unlike animals, people can make their thoughts into real subjects. Like If a dog and a person think about a house, the dog just thinks whereas a person can build”.
Good effort, well done.
٩ يونيو ٢٠٢١
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