this is my writing,and i hope to receive your comments about the cohereence and the grammatical problems! I watched so many videos about the successful stories.the speakers always tell you that you must have abmitions and you must work hard and plan your future .meanwhile,they also stress that pain is a part of the progress to access the succes,you only need to fight and bear. even you can't afford the cost of living,feeling confused about life , and they still suggest you make your finance plan,without considering your background and life condition. in my opinion,it's ridiculous. all the plans must basis your personality and finance condition,but all the speakers talking about the steps to success ignore the people reality problems I must to say the turth that the reliable proposals always come from the person who has the samilar background and the same type personality,which i think will really offer helpful guide to destroy the barrier and clean your mind. following the person ,you could find more comfortable ways to achieve your goals,during the lonely journey with negative comments and aggressive criticism ,to find the oritntation about your life ,which really will help you deal with your reality problems instead of vague advice from the vedio speakers. leave your comments,thanks,folks!
١٣ ديسمبر ٢٠٢٤ ١٩:٤٠