الصينية (المندرية)
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اعثر على أفضل معلم الصينية (المندرية) لك.

اعثر على أفضل مدرّس الصينية (المندرية) لك عبر الإنترنت: اختر من معلميك ذوي الخبرة عبر الإنترنت للغة الصينية (المندرية) واحصل على أفضل تجربة تعلّم.

تعلم الصينية (المندرية) مع المعلم Linda kids/adults.

1,637 دروس

Linda kids/adults

مدرّسid verified
SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي

Humorous teacher with experience for children and adults. 只要你遇到难点,我会用我的方式让你明白。 我不喜欢完全按照课本学习,课本大都很没有意思。。。但是不得不承认,如果想要学好,依据一定的材料是必须的。所以,让我们用有趣的方法来学习吧! 我在课上比较喜欢会用情景来让你掌握新的词汇和句子,因为语言是活的,光靠死记硬背是不可以的。 Don't be nervous!My lesson is interesting and fun! To be honest, I am talkative and thoughful .LOL believe me ,I am telling the truth! So if you want learn Chinese ,don'e hesitate ,book my lesson!

USD 15.00/تجريبي
تعلم الصينية (المندرية) مع المعلم 王丽娜.

238 دروس


مدرّسid verified
SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي

我在大学期间帮助外国朋友学习中文,毕业后也在一直在兼职教中文,我有两年的语言教学经验,我的学生中三岁到四十岁的都有。I helped my foreign friends learn Chinese when I was in University. After graduation, I have been teaching Chinese part-time。I have two years of language teaching experience,My students are from three to forty years old.

USD 5.00/تجريبي
تعلم الصينية (المندرية) مع المعلم Elena墨菲.

2 دروس


مدرّسid verified
SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي

作为以为语言类教师,我会认真对待自己的学生,尽心准备、细心教学。 I have a half-year experience in Italian teaching to Chinese students, and I often help some Italian friends with their mistakes.

USD 10.00/تجريبي
تعلم الصينية (المندرية) مع المعلم Lin (PhD, 大学中文老师).

2,055 دروس

Lin (PhD, 大学中文老师)

مُعلم محترفid verified
SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي

PhD in Mandarin acquisition, 9 yrs of teaching experience. My teaching experience could be summarized in a 1-7 order : 1: I am ONE full-time linguistics researcher and Mandarin teacher. 2: I have tutored 2 students to attend "Chinese Bridge" competition. 3: I have Mandarin teaching experience in 3 countries: the United States, China, and now New Zealand. 4: There are 4 feature courses that I mainly teach: Conversational Chinese, Beginner's Chinese, Business Chinese and Relationship/social/trendy Chinese. 5: I normally follow a 5-steps teaching method: Review-Vocabulary-Text&Grammar-Characters-Practice. 6: I have attended 6 Chinese teacher training programmes in America and China. 7: My experience of teaching Chinese is 7 years (reach 9 this year)

USD 9.90/تجريبي
تعلم الصينية (المندرية) مع المعلم Ellie in HK.

865 دروس

Ellie in HK

مُعلم محترفid verified
الإعداد للامتحانات
SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي
الصينية (الكانتونية)
ناطق أصلي
الصينية (الشنغهاينية)
ناطق أصلي

👩🏻‍🏫大學講師🌟國際漢語碩士,15年教學經驗🌟 Lecturer🌱 Master Degree in Chinese Teaching. 15 years experience. 🇭🇰For Cantonese: I had systematic training in Cantonese phonetics and phonology in University, and I could teach Cantonese. 有粵語語音及音韻學系統性訓練,可以教授粵語拼音。 🇨🇳For Mandarin: more than 13 years. My student form kindergartens to adult. Some students are international school student. They love my teaching style! 我大學主修科目是中文系,碩士主修國際漢語教學。 在普通話13年的教學中,有成人,也有國際學校學生,特別是GAPSK普通話水平考試,特别熟悉香港和新加坡的教育制度,也明白香港人學習普通話的難點,希望可以幫助你們!

USD 30.00/الساعة
متاح 13:30 غدًا
تعلم الصينية (المندرية) مع المعلم 王世顺遂.

13 دروس


مدرّسid verified
SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي

上课幽默风趣,多才多艺的中国老师 教师对学生不仅仅是传授知识,还时时刻刻在意自身的人格魅力对工作的态度以及一点一滴的所作所为影响着学生对学生的影响比单纯的说教大得多,身为人士必须严于律己用自己的良好行为,给学生是以人的榜样,永远给学生留一个美好的形象,并且把握好课堂提问的时机,通过精心设问提问,让学生思考回答,能引发学生思维的强烈冲突。教会学生读书读人读生活,并且了解中国文化的博大精深,使学生在学习中可以学习,提升自己的语言达到非常好的一个课堂效果Teachers to students not only impart knowledge, but also always care about their own personality charm to work attitude and little by little behavior affects students on students than simple preaching much greater, as a person must be strict with their own good behavior, to give students a human role model, always give students a good image, and grasp the opportunity to ask questions in the classroom, so that students think and answer, can trigger a strong conflict of students' thinking

USD 7.00/تجريبي
متاح 11:00 غدًا
تعلم الصينية (المندرية) مع المعلم Julia.

3,874 دروس


مدرّسid verified
SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي

Native Mandarin Speaker and Translator (CHN/JPN/ENG) with 3800+ Hours of Teaching Experience 大家好,我叫Julia。我的母語是中文。在工作上我須要用中文、英文和日文來進行翻譯和口譯。因此,有需要的話,我可以用英文或日文來回答你的問題。由於我一直在加強自己的外語能力,所以我知道大家在學習外語時,會遇到哪些文法、用詞、發音和語調等相關問題。在我的課堂裡,我會鼓勵你多說中文,並且跟你一起討論出須要改進加強的地方。我也很樂意幫你修改文章,或是和你一起讀你想使用的任何教材來練習中文。我期待能在課堂上和大家見面聊天! 大家好,我叫Julia。我的母语是中文。在工作上我须要用中文、英语和日语来进行翻译和口译。因此,有需要的话,我可以用英语或日语来回答你的问题。由于我一直在加强自己的外语能力,所以我知道大家在学习外语时,会遇到哪些语法、用词、發音和语调等相关问题。在我的课堂裡,我会鼓励你多说中文,并且跟你一起讨论出须要改进加强的地方。我也很乐意帮你修改文章,或是和你一起读你想使用的任何教材来练习中文。我期待能在课堂上和大家见面聊天! 皆さん、こんにちは。ジュリアです。台湾出身の中国語のネイティブスピーカーです。カナダに留学したことがあり、現在日本企業で働いていますので、英語と日本語を流暢に話せます。仕事上、中国語、日本語、英語を使って通訳・翻訳する必要があるため、常に言語能力を向上させるために取り組んでいます。そのため、皆さんが外国語を勉強する時に直面する文法、言葉選び、発音、イントネーションに関する問題についてよく理解しています。言語学習の経験を生かして皆さんの中国語の勉強に役立てれば幸いです。皆さんとお話できるのを楽しみにしています。よろしくお願いします。

USD 12.00/تجريبي
تعلم الصينية (المندرية) مع المعلم 董新燕.

291 دروس


مدرّسid verified
SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي
الصينية (أخرى)
الصينية (الشنغهاينية)

2年多线上教学经验/语言学专业/中文考试HSK/YCT/儿童&成人教学/business/writing I majored in English for four years in the university. I have been to be a trainee teacher in a junior middle school in the last year of my university life. I have 7 years of working experience,and more than 2 years of online teaching experience. 本人英语专业本科,大学的最后一年,在一所初中学校当英语实习老师。我有7年职场经验,和2年多的线上教学经验。我了解了学习一种语言的过程。大量的输入和练习,会使得学习一门语言更轻松,更简单。

USD 8.00/تجريبي
متاح 01:00 غدًا
تعلم الصينية (المندرية) مع المعلم Jenny Chen.

11.8k دروس

Jenny Chen

مُعلم محترفid verified
SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي

Certified tutor with 10000 online Chinese lessons taught As a teacher, I believe that acquiring a new language is just like travelling, although individual tourists have different destinations and different priorities, looking for a productive journey with a worthwhile guide is a common goal. As your language tour guide, I have rich tour guide experience with IPA Chinese teacher and Mandarin Proficiency certifications.I speak English well, but will maximize the usage of Chinese to let you become immerse in the Mandarin language during your trip.

USD 5.00/تجريبي
متاح 06:45 غدًا
تعلم الصينية (المندرية) مع المعلم Ria Zhang.

4,932 دروس

Ria Zhang

مُعلم محترفid verified
الإعداد للامتحانات
SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي

A professional Mandarin teacher with 16 years, over 15,000 hours' experience. ▶Full time on Italki since 2020. ▶Used to give 1 on 1 private lessons, 1 on 2 mini group, big group from 4 to 20 students. ▶Students are from over 40 countries, age from 5 to 73 years old. They are international schools students, overseas students in universities, and lots of housewives, businessmen who are living in Shanghai.

USD 9.00/تجريبي
متاح 06:45 غدًا
تعلم الصينية (المندرية) مع المعلم Elena Wang.

959 دروس

Elena Wang

مُعلم محترفid verified
الإعداد للامتحانات
SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي

拥有超过8年教学经验的英俄双语教师 1. From 2014 until now: Teaching students from Italy , Russian , Malaysia, France and other different countries . Most of them are from the companies in Fortune Global TOP500 started with zero to advanced level. The basic teaching subjects are about daily life and business. 2. From 2016 to 2017: As a volunteer Chinese teacher at Confucius Institute Of Tbilisi free university in Georgia. The students were separated into 3 levels from age 7 years old to 18 years old. The teaching subjects are about Chinese culture and daily life. 3. From 2019 until now: helped students to continue to learn Chinese so that they could go to universities in China. Also help them to pass the HSK tests.

USD 8.80/تجريبي
متاح 15:00 غدًا
تعلم الصينية (المندرية) مع المعلم Vera Yang.

838 دروس

Vera Yang

مدرّسid verified
SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي

Looking for a fun & patient Chinese teacher? I would be the perfect choice for you! My top priority is to create a fun and stress-free learning environment for you to learn Chinese in an efficient way. I have been teaching in Education for 5 years, also teaching Chinese to all kinds of people of all ages. As a teacher, I enjoy teaching and talking to my students as friends. I have a lot of experience with different industries, so we will have all kinds of fun conversations. I will customize the class according to your level and interests. I will give you corrections and explanations to help you understand Chinese better.

USD 7.49/تجريبي
متاح 14:30 غدًا
تعلم الصينية (المندرية) مع المعلم 彦莉(Zhāng lǎo shī).

839 دروس

彦莉(Zhāng lǎo shī)

مدرّسid verified
SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي
الصينية (أخرى)
ناطق أصلي

Are you shy or introverted? Im here to provide a safe and comfortable environment for you to speak. I am a certified Chinese teacher with 8 years of experience. First class certificate of Chinese Putonghua; Senior teacher certificate; International Chinese teacher certificate ✅ The total teaching time of my Chinese class is more than 4500 hours, and the students are from absolute From beginner to advanced level. ✅ I am particularly interested in helping students learn pronunciation and intonation. I do, too Experience in helping students prepare for HSK exams. ✅ As a teacher, I am a passionate demander, and my advantage is personalized teaching.

USD 5.00/تجريبي
متاح 06:45 غدًا
تعلم الصينية (المندرية) مع المعلم viicky.

478 دروس


مدرّسid verified
SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي
الصينية (أخرى)

·National Putonghua Test grade 2 certificate ·Junior high school teacher certificate 👩🏻‍🎨 ·College major in art 🎨 ·Very willing to share and teach everything I know about Chinese culture. 国家普通话测试二甲等级证书👩‍🏫初中教师资格证👩🏻‍🎨大学主修艺术学专业🎨

USD 7.00/تجريبي
متاح 06:45 غدًا
تعلم الصينية (المندرية) مع المعلم 琦芝Kay.

279 دروس


مدرّسid verified
SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي
الصينية (الكانتونية)
ناطق أصلي

会说粤语、普通话、英语和一点点日语。I'm pleased to be your teacher helping you make a progress on the language! •在语言培训机构给外国学生上过汉语普通话的实习课程。 •教授过来自不同国家的学生普通话和粤语课程,目前已完成共120个课时。

USD 9.50/الساعة
تعلم الصينية (المندرية) مع المعلم Xuting(Serena).

413 دروس


مدرّسid verified
SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي
الصينية (الشنغهاينية)
ناطق أصلي

Overall 1000+ lessons experience with beginners and adolescents in learning Mandarin and German. Working as a German and Mandarin teacher one on one, I teach international students ranging from kids to adults, beginners to advanced. Currently I'm helping my students prepare for TELC, HSK and school tests. Wir können auch gerne Konversationen üben. Having learnt Japanese on an online platform myself and then passed the JLPT N1 exam, I know exactly how it works to teach students via the internet. Moreover, I have helped many students succeed in their job interview. Being totally aware of the difficulties and challenges to master a foreign language, I treat my students with great patience and empathy. 試験に受かってもまだ相応しいレベルの会話が難しいと感じますか。是非ドイツ語の日常会話の授業で一緒に練習してみてください。学生们都说我非常有耐心。

USD 25.00/الساعة
تعلم الصينية (المندرية) مع المعلم cherry F/kids/adults.

2,350 دروس

cherry F/kids/adults

مُعلم محترفid verified
SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي

AP Chinese、kids、aldults、more than 5,000+ hours of experience I have more than 5,000+ hours of experience teaching on major online platforms.My students come from all over the world, and most of them are children. I like to teach children, and I was the first teacher of my own children. For children, I mainly teach Chinese Pinyin, storytelling, talking with pictures, idiom stories, historical stories, children's songs and nursery rhymes. For teenagers, I teach Chinese character writing, reading comprehension, idioms, Tang poetry and Song lyrics, and AP Chinese exam, and for those who need to take the Mandarin exam, I offer pronunciation correction exercises. For adults, I mainly teach HSK and daily oral, listening, speaking, and reading exercises.

USD 10.00/تجريبي
متاح 23:00 اليوم
تعلم الصينية (المندرية) مع المعلم Wei Wei.

4,360 دروس

Wei Wei

مُعلم محترفid verified
SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي

Although I live abroad, I am closely engaged in my cultural roots. I traveled to all four corners of China to conduct cultural anthropological studies from 2006 to 2013. I studied the current & seemingly Western-stylized artifacts & practices, addressed the ideas of practice rooted in the traditional Chinese characteristics, beliefs & ancient art. My goal is to help you successfully transition between the Western & Chinese ways of the world linguistically & culturally. 我從六歲䦕始學毛筆字和山水畫, 後來在美國的大學裏敎了十五多年西方人文和語言. 虽然我住在外国,但我仍然密切关注自己的文化根源。 2006至2013年我在中国各个角落进行文化人类学研究。所以我对中西的語言和文化是精通的. 我的專業和熱情是幫助您在中西生活方式上成功的转换. I have traveled to 27 countries and am excited to meet people from all backgrounds!!

USD 18.00/تجريبي
متاح 07:00 غدًا
تعلم الصينية (المندرية) مع المعلم Karen Shi.

474 دروس

Karen Shi

مُعلم محترفid verified
الإعداد للامتحانات
SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي

I currently teaching students from dozens of countries around the world. I have helped students with all kind of learning purpose.

USD 10.00/تجريبي
متاح 00:45 غدًا
تعلم الصينية (المندرية) مع المعلم Ariana.


مُعلم محترفid verified
الإعداد للامتحانات
SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي

major is Chinese language and literature I have been teaching chinese since 2021, As a certified teacher, I have two years' experience teaching Chinese in a primary school

USD 10.00/تجريبي
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