الصينية (المندرية)
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تعلم الصينية (المندرية) مع المعلم 蓉蓉老师Ella  Adult&Kids.

159 دروس

蓉蓉老师Ella Adult&Kids

مدرّسid verified
الإعداد للامتحانات
SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي

内地语文教师/毕业于北京师范大学/擅长阅读理解、古诗词、绘本阅读、作文 ⭐️在过去的十年里,我一直致力于帮助学生掌握古老而有趣的中文。我热爱教学,更喜欢与来自世界各地的学生交流。 ⭐️我喜欢汉字,喜欢成语,喜欢故事,更喜欢给学生们讲中国的民间故事,希望大家都能爱上中文。 ⭐️最擅长讲解小学阅读理解、作文、古诗词等,帮助很多香港、澳门、台湾学生练习普通话,掌握阅读理解答题技巧和写作技巧。

USD 6.00/تجريبي
متاح 00:30 غدًا
تعلم الصينية (المندرية) مع المعلم Liudan (Angela ).

920 دروس

Liudan (Angela )

مُعلم محترفid verified
الإعداد للامتحانات
SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي

Certificated CTCSOL ( 国际中文教师证书) teacher with over 8 years of teaching experience. I have more than 7 years Chinese teaching experience. My second language is English, It could be my media language also. I will give you systematical courses according to your learning objectives. I have got the Certificate for Teachers of Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (CTCSOL). and Certificate of Volunteer Chinese Teacher (2020) My Chinese(mandarin) level is The First Class of Grade 2. In 2012, I received the certification of Primary School Chinese teacher. With my expertise, I can assist your children in learning Chinese mathematics and provide them with a curriculum that is on par with the Chinese primary school system. 我可以教学同步于中国中小学---数学的-----“人教版教材” ,《中小学数学---人教版/部编版》

USD 6.00/تجريبي
متاح 00:30 غدًا
تعلم الصينية (المندرية) مع المعلم Melissa Chen.

7,473 دروس

Melissa Chen

مُعلم محترفid verified
الإعداد للامتحانات
SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي
الصينية (الكانتونية)

⭐️TESOL Certified Teacher ⭐️Selected by italki teaching hundreds of students on Bilibili live stream ❀Selected by italki to attend “New Star Project” in 2018; taught English to hundreds of Chinese students via Bilibili live streams. ❀ Top 1% teacher on italki, taught over 7,000 online lessons with a perfect attendance record and 5-star rating. ❀Senior translator work with Transperfect, the largest LSP in the world; CATTI certified translator for leading global brands. ❀Full time qualified teacher. Majored in Education, with credentials in TESOL(Teaching English to speakers of other languages), BEC(Cambridge Business English Certificate), Mandarin Proficiency Test 2A, National Computer Rank Examination etc. ❀Expert in correcting pronunciation in details and summarizing grammar points.

USD 15.99/تجريبي
متاح 00:30 غدًا
تعلم الصينية (المندرية) مع المعلم Annie (HSK,BUSINESS).

7,330 دروس


مُعلم محترفid verified
الإعداد للامتحانات
SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي

with 15 years experience. Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/@annieluo1307 I am a highly patient teacher who empathizes with the challenges of learning a new language. I tailor each lesson meticulously to suit your proficiency level and individual needs. While I uphold a disciplined approach during classes, I remain flexible to accommodate the unique circumstances of each student. Every lesson is conducted with utmost seriousness and dedication. I firmly believe that the passion and effort you invest in learning Chinese are paramount to your success.

USD 8.00/تجريبي
متاح 05:30 غدًا
تعلم الصينية (المندرية) مع المعلم Lou.

267 دروس


مدرّسid verified
الإعداد للامتحانات
SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي
ناطق أصلي
الصينية (الكانتونية)
ناطق أصلي

寓教于乐是我的座右铭。 I am passionate yet patient, organised yet dynamic, serious yet fun. I was trained as a behavioural scientist and experienced in teaching cross-cultural communication at university level.

USD 28.00/تجريبي
متاح 07:00 غدًا

10 معلمين للدروس الفورية

لدينا معلمين جاهزين لإعطائك درسًا مباشرة! اعثر على معلّم وابدأ التعلّم.

Grace Guo

1,272 دروس

SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي
Certified Mandarin teacher from Beijing 📖HSK/Integrated Chinese/Business Chinese/标准普通话口语
تجريبيUSD 8.00
Anna Wang
مُعلم محترف

452 دروس

SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي
14 years exp. HSK 1-6 & Daily conversation
تجريبيUSD 8.00
Xia Huang
مُعلم محترف

1,470 دروس

SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي
Learning Chinese in an interesting and easy way! customise different courses for different levels!
تجريبيUSD 9.90
تعلم الصينية (المندرية) مع المعلم Lily.

669 دروس


مُعلم محترفid verified
الإعداد للامتحانات
SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي

certified Chinese teacher to speakers of other language. Experience of teaching Chinese in Europe 我在英语教学和对外汉语教学方面都有丰富的经验,我掌握第二语言教学的技巧,善于管理课堂,我有中国国家汉办颁发的国际汉语教师证书。在欧洲,我教过从幼儿园到成年人的所有汉语课程,尤其擅长HSK的教学和儿童快乐汉语的教学,我为我所在的孔子学院编纂过HSK的教学大纲,线上,线下都组织,辅导,监考过HSK考试和汉语桥比赛。在欧洲的两年中,获得当地国家汉语桥比赛冠军的都是我的学生。疫情期间,我组织学生线上教学和进行HSK考试,所以拥有线上汉语教学的经验。除此之外,我擅长中国传统文化—剪纸。在北马其顿,受邀于当地电视台做过剪纸文化讲座。所以无论什么水平的学生,无论是语言知识还是文化知识,我都能满足学生的需求。

USD 12.00/تجريبي
متاح 00:30 غدًا
تعلم الصينية (المندرية) مع المعلم ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Ming🐋 Adult.

4,499 دروس

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Ming🐋 Adult

مُعلم محترفid verified
الإعداد للامتحانات
SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي

Certified teacher with a master degree in language education with more than 10 years experience. ✨PROFESSIONAL TEACHER 📝MASTER OF LANGUAGE DEGREE 🎀NATIVE CHINESE SPEAKER AND PROFICIENT IN ENGLISH 🌈TRAVLE AROUND THE WORLD 💕TEACH ALL LEVELS My curriculum could be divided into three parts, warm-up before class, in-class exercises (including grammar, vocabulary, and involving ancient poems, music, diaries, format, etc.), and homework tracking after class. Besides, I would love to help you prepare for exams like HSK. Here, the teaching system includes two types for you to choose from, the first is one-on-one single-person teaching, and the other is multi-person group discussion. Hope to see you soon, and wish you have a happy and successful study! looking forward to our journey together

USD 11.00/تجريبي
تعلم الصينية (المندرية) مع المعلم Anna.

7,882 دروس


مُعلم محترفid verified
SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي

I have been a Mandarin teacher since 2010. At first, I worked as a mandarin teacher in a language training school. I love teaching there and I have got so many good students. They are not just my students, but also my friends. The only thing I dislike is that I can only use their textbook to teach and I noticed it doesn't suit every student. Then I found italki. I have many textbooks and I also designed many materials according to students' needs. I want every student to make progress.

USD 6.00/تجريبي
متاح 01:00 غدًا
تعلم الصينية (المندرية) مع المعلم ⭐Mia.

742 دروس


مُعلم محترفid verified
SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي

Experienced certified teacher/Specialized in kids and beginners/Fun and relaxed learning I'm easy going and patient enough to teach 2000+ chinese lessons in reality and online. Now I am a junior high school teacher in the public middle school. I am good at teaching kids and beginners. *Language institution:hired by company to teach business Chinese( culture difference and technical terms expresstion) and Chinese lesson for kids,HSK examination for beginners, intermediates and advanced level learners. *Home tutor:help the foreign students to pass the HSK and do Chinese homework;teach the housewife and company employee Chinese converstion;teach the kids to learn Pronunciation,pinyin,conversation and text. *Online Chinese teacher: 2 years *Chinese middle school teacher:2 years.

USD 9.00/تجريبي
متاح 00:30 غدًا
تعلم الصينية (المندرية) مع المعلم Chloe黄.

8 دروس


مُعلم محترفid verified
الإعداد للامتحانات
SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي
الصينية (أخرى)

HSK/conversation-Undergraduate Chinese International Education,6 years Chinese teaching experience I have more than six years of experience in teaching Chinese, with a teaching duration of over 5,000 hours. I teach HSK,Chinese oral conversation courses, Chinese courses for children / overseas Chinese, business Chinese, daily spoken Chinese, etc. I've helped many students improve their Chinese listening and speaking abilities and also assisted them in passing Chinese language exams. 私は 6 年以上の中国語教授経験があり、講義時間は 5000 時間以上に達しています。私はHSK、中国語の会話レッスン、児童・華僑向けの中国語講座、HSK(中国語能力試験)対策講座、ビジネス中国語、日常生活会話などを担当しています。多くの学生が中国語の聴解力と会話力を高め、また中国語の試験に合格するのを手助けしてきました。 我有6年以上的中文教学经验,教学时长超过5000个小时,我教授HSK,中文口语会话课,少儿/华裔汉语课,商务汉语,生活口语等等。我帮助很多学生提高中文的听力和口语,也帮助学生通过中文考试。

USD 5.00/تجريبي
متاح 01:00 غدًا
تعلم الصينية (المندرية) مع المعلم Snowy.

310 دروس


مُعلم محترفid verified
SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي

Former Chinese teacher of international school\4000+hours teaching Kids and adults online Feb.2019 --- 2020 Being a chinese teacher for jonior and senior students of an International School Feb.2017.——Aug.2019 Teach in Beijing Uion university as a head teacher for college students and teach Chinese to primary school students in summer camp Aug.2015——Mar.2017 work in Language Training Center as a chinese teacher for the businessmen and adults

USD 6.00/تجريبي
متاح 00:30 غدًا
تعلم الصينية (المندرية) مع المعلم Sue Chen.

271 دروس

Sue Chen

مدرّسid verified
SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي

I taught oral English lessons in my university for 2 years to help college students to improve their language ability and pass English level test. I have very good understanding of cross-culture communication. I also have the experiences of teaching primary Chinese students, lessons including Chinese charater, pronunciation, making sentences and writing. In college, I had one exchange experience with students from Canadian, we helped each other to learn both English and Chinese, I also offered Chinese traditional culture lecture for all the Canadian students. I had a 3-month work experience in the USA, so I can speak fluent English which can help Chinese language teaching.

USD 6.00/تجريبي
متاح 12:00 غدًا
تعلم الصينية (المندرية) مع المعلم Patrick⭐Kids/Adults.

13.6k دروس


مُعلم محترفid verified
الإعداد للامتحانات
SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي
الصينية (أخرى)
ناطق أصلي

CTCSOL, Beginner- Advanced, Conversation practice,tutoring kids, HSK, Presentation optimization ✅Veteran teacher of more than 6 years of experience ✅Confidence buildup ✅excelling in improving speaking skills ✅knowledgeable in world affairs ✅quick solutions to grammatical difficulties ✅talktive, open-minded about any topic ✅kids-friendly ✅elementary school math homework tutoring (English/Chinese)

USD 12.00/تجريبي
متاح 00:00 غدًا
تعلم الصينية (المندرية) مع المعلم LIN.

1,721 دروس


مُعلم محترفid verified
الإعداد للامتحانات
SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي
الصينية (الهوكينية)
ناطق أصلي
الصينية (الكانتونية)

I have been engaged in the education industry for more than one year. I have taught in schools and educational institutions. Now I am working as an online Chinese teacher. Most of the students I contacted before were children and teenagers, so I was very patient. Online teaching teaches more adults. Interest is the best teacher to learn. In my class, I hope you can learn Chinese easily. No matter beginners or students who have been in contact with Chinese, welcome to my class to experience the charm of Chinese. 我從事教育行業已經1年多了,在學校教學過,也在教育機構教學過,現在是作為一名線上中文教師在進行我的工作。之前接觸的學生年齡段比較多的是小孩子和青少年,所以在教學的過程中我學會了耐心。線上教學多教授成年人。我對待我的學生很有耐心。興趣是學習最好的老師,在我的課堂上,我希望你們能輕鬆的學習中文。不管是初學者還是接觸過中文的學生,歡迎你們來我的課堂體驗中文的魅力。

USD 8.00/تجريبي
متاح 00:30 غدًا
تعلم الصينية (المندرية) مع المعلم Yiwei Wang.

92 دروس

Yiwei Wang

مدرّسid verified
SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي

I hope my students can be relax when we are having lessons and I think that's the best way. I know that learning is never simple but we can still have fun. I'm patient and compassionate and willing to help anyone who wants to master Chinese!

USD 20.00/الساعة
متاح 23:30 اليوم
تعلم الصينية (المندرية) مع المعلم Yeonjoo.

1,911 دروس


مُعلم محترفid verified
الإعداد للامتحانات
SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي

Hi,I've taught Korean and Chinese on italki. Learning foreign languages means learn cultures. I like going on a trip to abroad, it gives me many motivations to keep learning foreign languages. I can study English, Chinese for more than 10 years, and study Spanish and Japanese now. It makes me understand foreign language learners so that I think I should be patient and give motivations to my student to keep study Korean and Chinese. I'm trying to use diverse teaching material such as song lyrics, poem, essay and news article and so on. Plus I enjoy teaching, I think teaching is learning.

USD 18.00/تجريبي
متاح 00:30 غدًا
تعلم الصينية (المندرية) مع المعلم Sylvia (Kids&Adults).

1,507 دروس

Sylvia (Kids&Adults)

مُعلم محترفid verified
الإعداد للامتحانات
SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي
الصينية (الهوكينية)
ناطق أصلي
الصينية (الكانتونية)

Mandarin Certificates teacher👩‍🎓6+ years Experience🌟Kids and Adults💯HSK&HSKK 🌻 Please send me a message or complete the teacher contact form before our first class! 🌼 ⭐️ I am highly experienced in teaching all ages and levels, especially for the beginners! ✨ I am good at communicative teaching method, which helps students really use the Chinese. ⭐️ I have helped many students pass the HSK exam with good scores. ✨ I like to combine learning with games in lessons of kids and teenagers! ⭐ I am organised and prepared, always help students learn step by step.

USD 8.00/تجريبي
متاح 04:00 غدًا
تعلم الصينية (المندرية) مع المعلم Karen Shi.

734 دروس

Karen Shi

مُعلم محترفid verified
الإعداد للامتحانات
SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي

I currently teaching students from dozens of countries around the world. I have helped students with all kind of learning purpose.

USD 10.00/تجريبي
تعلم الصينية (المندرية) مع المعلم Niki Lam.

662 دروس

Niki Lam

مُعلم محترفid verified
SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي
الصينية (الهوكينية)
ناطق أصلي
الصينية (التايوانية)
الصينية (الكانتونية)

Niki 🌟 闽南语&汉语老师 ( Adults & Kids)🥊 Hokkien and Chinese |Learn while playing ✔I have four years of Chinese teaching experience and often help students prepare for the HSK. Practice spoke Chinese and Hokkien. ✔I offer Chinese speaking courses and Chinese proficiency test courses. ✔Use child-friendly methods to help children fall in love with Chinese ✔Taking students as the center, we provide students with the most suitable learning methods and methods for them, so that students can learn with joy! 我有四年的中文教学经验,经常帮助学生准备中文等级测试。 练习中文口语和闽南语口语。 我提供中文口语课程和中文等级考试课程。 运用适合小朋友的方法来帮助小朋友爱上中文 以学生为中心,为学生提供最适合自身的学习方式和方法,让学生在快乐中学习!

USD 6.99/تجريبي
متاح 01:00 غدًا
تعلم الصينية (المندرية) مع المعلم Feihong.

60 دروس


مدرّسid verified
SPEAKS :الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي

A patient teacher who will make your Chinese learning journey fun, engaging and rewarding. I have two years of offline teaching experience in teaching Chinese as a foreign language. I can make the learning process fun and engaging! I can also communicate fluently in English, so there won't be any language barriers between us. Whether you are a child or an adult, and regardless of your current language proficiency level, you are all welcome to learn with me. I’ll customize private courses for you according to your different levels, needs and goals.

USD 6.00/تجريبي
سوف يتم إجراء دفعتك المالية الأخيرة بالدولار الأمريكي