فئة الدرس
وقت الدرس
المعلّم من

اعثر على أفضل معلم الفرنسية لك.

اعثر على أفضل مدرّس الفرنسية لك عبر الإنترنت: اختر من معلميك ذوي الخبرة عبر الإنترنت للغة الفرنسية واحصل على أفضل تجربة تعلّم.

تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Khaled.

6 دروس


مدرّسid verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي
العربية (لهجة بلاد الشام)
ناطق أصلي
ناطق أصلي

Teacher with over 6 years tutoring experience offering exciting and non-judgemental French lessons. I offer a space that is non-judgmental, disciplined, and exciting. We will work on strategies that make sure you retain new knowledge that you gain from our lessons and that keep you engaged. We will immerse in the cultures of the language we are speaking in, I will prepare scenarios with real-life dialogues that we can rehearse, and we will make sure to tailor the lessons to suit you best!

USD 10.00/تجريبي
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Ahmadi Amor.

18 دروس

Ahmadi Amor

مدرّسid verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي
ناطق أصلي

During my professional career I taught French and English in Algerian high schools. Then I became a teacher trainer. I have the DALF c2 diploma in French and a licence of English from Batna University. I attended language trainings in Suffron Walden schools and in Norwich University in England. I like sharing my knowledge with people of different ages from all over the world and making use of my experience.

USD 6.00/الساعة
متاح 20:30 اليوم
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Wilfrid Pépé.

Wilfrid Pépé

مدرّسid verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي
ناطق أصلي

I am an understanding teacher, the experiece I hav had in teaching allows me to understand the poblem you May have in learning this langage, trust me and you will easily learn rench. je suis un enseignant comprènensif, l'expérience que j'ai dans Tenseignement me permet de comprendre le problème que vous pouvez avoir dans l'apprentissage de cette langue, faites-moi confiance et vous apprendrez facilement le français LP

USD 5.00/تجريبي
متاح 10:30 اليوم
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Assala Hamidani.

41 دروس

Assala Hamidani

مدرّسid verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي
ناطق أصلي

Docteur en physique francophone: Ton guide pour apprendre le français à travers des cours créatifs😊 I am genuinely enthusiastic about teaching, with patience and tolerance essential for a serene learning. I strive to create a dynamic and stimulating environment for my students. I love interacting them, listening and learning from their culture. I teach physics at university in French because higher education in Algeria is taught in this language, I therefore help my students to improve their level of French during our sessions. My experience also extends to online teaching, where I taught French in a fun way to a group of girls aged 8 to 14, using fun exercises and activities. The experience gained has allowed me to develop a patient teaching approach adapted to different levels.

USD 5.00/تجريبي
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Mourad Hamdi.

6,432 دروس

Mourad Hamdi

مُعلم محترفid verified
الإعداد للامتحانات
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي
ناطق أصلي
العربية (اللهجة المغربية)
ناطق أصلي
العربية (الفصحى الحديثة)
ناطق أصلي

Native French and International Certified Teacher with 11 years of Experience My teaching experiences started on 2010 when I was a mere English and French Student at the Prestigious Preparatory Schsool of Languages in Montfleury. I tried to diverse my experiences in teaching languages. Hence, my choice to lead a "Liguistic gypsy life" where I roamed from one country to another with one sole mission that consists of spreading French & Arabic languages across the world. These life-changing experiences forged my teaching capacities for exposed to different cultures with different learning and teaching traditions. It also nourished a perpetual love for teaching.

USD 20.99/تجريبي

6 معلمين للدروس الفورية

لدينا معلمين جاهزين لإعطائك درسًا مباشرة! اعثر على معلّم وابدأ التعلّم.

Nathan ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️...

35 دروس

SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي
Friendly, flexible, and patient teacher - Certified Alliance Française 🇫🇷🥖
تجريبيUSD 9.00

1,395 دروس

SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي
翻訳の仕事(法律、行政、ビジネス、医療、観光、芸術、文化)をしているので日本語の細かいニュアンスを伝えることができます。以前はホテルで働いていたので丁寧な日本語も教えることができます。特にフランス語圏の方につきましては間違いやすいポイントを知っていますので初級から上級者の方に対応いたします。 J'enseigne souvent le japonais surtout à mes amis francophones. Je connais donc les points dans lesquels les Francophones ont tendance à se tromper. Comme je travaille en tant que traducteur, je peux transmettre les nuances subtiles du japonais. Je peux aussi enseigner le japonais poli grâce à mon expérience dans l’hôtellerie. I have been teaching Japanese on Italki since August. And since I work as a translator, I can explain the subtle nuances of Japanese. I can also teach polite Japanese thanks to my experience in the hotel business.
تجريبيUSD 8.00
Akubue Stephani...

78 دروس

SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي
النيجيرية المبسطة
ناطق أصلي
Experienced and Passionate French Teacher
تجريبيUSD 5.00
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Nati.

4,258 دروس


مدرّسid verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي
ناطق أصلي

I have taught every level from Beginners to Advanced and every age from 5 years old to 67 years old. I am very flexible and available for my students From the first class you will speak, engage and learn grammar in context.

USD 19.00/تجريبي
متاح 16:30 اليوم
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Esther.

5,877 دروس


مُعلم محترفid verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

Not taking new students for English or on weekends. Thanks for your comprehension :). I'm patient and supportive. I do know that mistakes are part of the process and I offer a humane approach. I like to have a friendly relationship with my students as long as there's mutual respect. Je suis patiente et vous encourage dans vos efforts. Je sais que les erreurs font partie de l'apprentissage et vous propose une approche humaine dans un cadre détendu. IMPORTANT POLICY Italki doesn't allow less than 24h cancellations but I forgive 2/year because I know that sometimes things happen (sickness, emergency) but I cannot allow more as an hour not taught is an hour not paid. CURRENTLY NOT TAKING NEW STUDENTS FOR ENGLISH OR KIDS.

USD 50.00/تجريبي
متاح 07:00 غدًا
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Steven.

2,008 دروس


مُعلم محترفid verified
الإعداد للامتحانات
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

Professeur de français et de FLE depuis 17 ans J'accompagne des apprenants de tous les niveaux depuis pratiquement 14 ans et j'assure des formations préparant aux épreuves du Brevet, du Baccalauréat français mais aussi aux différentes certifications de la CCI-Paris Ile-de-France (TEF Canada, TEFAQ...) et celles de France Education International - CIEP (DELF, DALF, TCF Canada, TCF DAP...)

USD 14.00/تجريبي
متاح 21:00 اليوم
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Jérôme.

2,670 دروس


مُعلم محترفid verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي
الصينية (المندرية)

French Teacher with a Master's degree in French as a Foreign Language with 10 years of experience [Teacher with 10 years of professional experience] I'm a patient, attentive and understanding person. I have spent many years learning foreign languages, struggling with the difficulties that it entails, that's why I can understand your needs. Over the years, I've taught French to hundreds of people from all around the world, online & offline. I am smiling, friendly and listening to your problems and questions. Don't hesitate to send me a message.

USD 15.00/تجريبي
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Val 🍃.

3,721 دروس

Val 🍃

مدرّسid verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

Travelling the world 🌎 Meeting new people 👋 Helping you taking your French to the next level 🆙 I’ve been an Italki tutor for the past three years and I’ve been enjoying it a lot 🤌 I’m a relaxed, patient and easy going person ✌️ I am passionate about travel, culture and all types of adventure but genuinely, I just really like meeting new people. Can’t wait to meet you 👋

USD 5.00/تجريبي
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Hajar.

1,139 دروس


مدرّسid verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي
العربية (اللهجة المغربية)
ناطق أصلي

Getting to know every student , and how they like their lesson to be is important . So based of the informations that my students show me , I tend to teach according to it , only for the comfort of the students , also to make them understand as much as they can.

USD 9.00/تجريبي
متاح 06:00 غدًا
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Claire.

3,575 دروس


مُعلم محترفid verified
الإعداد للامتحانات
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

As a teacher, I try to have as kind of an attitude as possible to make you feel comfortable. I believe there is no shame in making mistakes, searching for words, or forgetting something that we have learned. Honesty regarding your goals is one of the key to success without frustration, because learning and speaking a new language takes time.

USD 20.00/تجريبي
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Pedro.

70 دروس


مدرّسid verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

TEFAQ C2 Dedicated teacher and student, always willing to learn to teach. I talk about any subject and I believe that the best method of learning is conversation, practice makes perfect. Professor e aluno dedicado, sempre disposto a aprender em ensinar. Falo sobre qualquer assunto e acredito que o melhor metodo de aprendizagem é a conversação, a prática leva a perfeição

USD 6.00/تجريبي
متاح 12:00 اليوم
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Deborah.

313 دروس


مدرّسid verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

Experienced French Tutor/Professeure expérimentée avec 3 ans d’expérience As a tutor, I bring adaptability and personalized instruction to each lesson. I tailor my approach to your level and goals, utilizing diverse materials and fostering a supportive learning environment. Book a lesson with me, and let's explore the wonderful world of French together! En tant que professeur, j'apporte adaptabilité et instruction personnalisée à chaque leçon. J'adapte mon approche à votre niveau et à vos objectifs, en utilisant des matériaux variés et en favorisant un environnement d'apprentissage bienveillant. Réservez une leçon avec moi et explorons ensemble le merveilleux monde du français!

USD 8.20/تجريبي
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Chiara Capurro.

3,685 دروس

Chiara Capurro

مدرّسid verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

Experienced ITA, FRE, ENG teacher & passionate language learner - polyglot * I don't teach kids (<14 yo) * I want my students to have fun learning a new language! Enjoying the process is the key to success, because it implies that learning, instead of an effort, becomes a pleasure. This is why I try to always be proactive, to pay attention to my students' needs and to adjust accordingly. I am an ally to you in your language learning journey :D Grammar is fundamental (for grammar lovers: welcome to the club!), but it does not have to be taught through the classical school methods - which by the way, they do not work. You will discover a new way of passively learning grammar through conversations and reading.

USD 19.00/تجريبي
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Toulde Diallo.

1,437 دروس

Toulde Diallo

مدرّسid verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي
ناطق أصلي

« TUTEUR COMMUNAUTAIRE AVEC 3 ANS D'EXPERIENCE » I help students improve their conversation skills. I always try to create an environment that allows the student to adapt well to my classes. I do my best to satisfy my students. I always listen to my students and give them time to explain their problems. << J'aide les élèves à s’améliorer dans leurs conversations. J’essaye toujours de créer un environnement qui permet l’étudiant à bien s’adapter à mes cours. Je donne mon maximum pour satisfaire mes élèves. Je suis toujours à l’écoute de mes élèves et je leurs donne le temps pour expliquer leurs problèmes.>>

USD 5.00/تجريبي
متاح 20:30 اليوم
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Priscille Tatiana⭐⭐⭐.

2,600 دروس

Priscille Tatiana⭐⭐⭐

مدرّسid verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

Professeur ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ avec 3 ans d'expérience ! Pour enfants, jeunes et adultes. J'ai fais mes études secondaire dans la ville de Douala où j'ai obtenue mon Baccalaureat ensuite j'ai intégré l'université de Ngaoundéré pour étudier la médecine vétérinaire mais avant cela j'ai donné des cours à temps partiel dans un collège de la place. English I did my secondary studies in the city of Douala where I obtained my Baccalaureate then I joined the University of Ngaoundéré to study veterinary medicine but before that I gave part-time courses in a college of the place.

USD 5.50/تجريبي
متاح 10:30 اليوم
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Isabelle JB.

108 دروس

Isabelle JB

مدرّسid verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

French Teacher for Expats Toujours de bonne humeur, je m'adapte aux besoins et au niveau de chacun. Le plus efficace pour progresser rapidement est l'apprentissage par le dialogue, c'est à dire la conversation. Always in a good mood, I will adapt myself to your needs and level. The best and efficient way to improve quickly is speaking.

USD 6.00/تجريبي
متاح 07:00 غدًا
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Romaissa Asma L.

13 دروس

Romaissa Asma L

مُعلم محترفid verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

Professeure de français certifiée plus de 5 ans d'expérience dans l'enseignement J'ai commencé à enseigner le français en 2019. Mes cours s'adressent à tous : enfants, adolescents ou adultes. Quel que soit votre niveau actuel, si vous avez toujours rêvé de parler français comme un natif, travailler avec moi vous aidera à atteindre votre objectif. Mon expérience professionnelle s'est déroulée dans des écoles de langues pour non-francophones . Je travaille avec plusieurs méthodes et m'adapte aux besoins de chacun, mais j'aime toujours garder le plaisir d'apprentissage à mes élèves. Je favorise une bonne communication en les écoutant bien et en discutant avec eux. Je travaille l'orthographe, la grammaire, le vocabulaire, la prononciation et la préparation aux examens.

USD 8.00/تجريبي
متاح 22:00 اليوم
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Safae.

1,448 دروس


مدرّسid verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي
ناطق أصلي
العربية (اللهجة المغربية)
ناطق أصلي

✨ Structured program to achieve your personnal goal ! ✨ Hello 👋 there! Nice to meet you ! 😊 I'm Safae,your personal teacher to guide through your language journey ! I have 4 years of experience teaching over 100 students. Some of my students who were beginner and couldn't speak much but after taking my lessons, they were confident enough to travel and speak with the locals and have fun! I create a structered plan for each level ( for beginners, intermediate and advanced) to help you achieve your goal in a defined time. If you are ready to start your journey, you came to the right place ! 🙌

USD 10.00/تجريبي
متاح 01:15 غدًا
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