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اعثر على أفضل معلم الإسبانية لك.

اعثر على أفضل مدرّس الإسبانية لك عبر الإنترنت: اختر من معلميك ذوي الخبرة عبر الإنترنت للغة الإسبانية واحصل على أفضل تجربة تعلّم.

تعلم الإسبانية مع المعلم Juan Francisco.

1,437 دروس

Juan Francisco

id verified
مُعلم محترف
SPEAKS :الإسبانية
ناطق أصلي

Spanish through conversation, literature and the arts I've been a teacher since 2017. I adore languages. I've studied English, French, German and Italian, so I am very aware how difficult it is to learn a foreign tongue. I know how to make the process enjoyable and effective, I can give you lots of tips and guide you through it skillfully. I truly believe in input-based learning. Looking back, that's how I learned English when I was a teenager, just enjoying cultural material without realizing I was studying. I consider having fun with compelling content the best practice. However, I also think that spending some time with grammar (like looking at a map during a hike) can be very useful and speed up the process.

USD 8.00/تجريبي
تعلم الإسبانية مع المعلم Flavio.

1,761 دروس


id verified
SPEAKS :الإسبانية
ناطق أصلي

18 years experience teaching Spanish ! I’ve been giving Spanish lessons since 2004 and English lessons since 1993. I easily adapt to the needs of people from all ages. Doy clases de idioma español desde 2004 y clases de inglés desde 1993. Me adapto fácilmente a las necesidades e inquietudes de estudiantes de todas las edades (niños y adultos mayores). Didáctico, uso de plataformas analógicas y digitales (libros de texto, Youtube)

USD 6.00/تجريبي
متاح 12:30 اليوم
تعلم الإسبانية مع المعلم Angel Vigo.

3,831 دروس

Angel Vigo

id verified
SPEAKS :الإسبانية
ناطق أصلي

I am a very patient, enthusiastic, and friendly person. All my life I have been blessed with very patient teachers. As a result, I have been able to reach my full potential. Therefore, I am also very patient with my students so that they do not feel pressured or nervous. It is essential to create an environment in which students can enjoy the marvelous learning process.

USD 5.00/تجريبي
تعلم الإسبانية مع المعلم Gabriela Brenes.

1,440 دروس

Gabriela Brenes

id verified
SPEAKS :الإسبانية
ناطق أصلي

I consider myself an extremely patient person teaching, even more so because I have been where you are, that is, learning a language. I like to offer my students what I liked when I was learning, security, comfort, empathy, respect, kindness, and patience. I worked as a Spanish assistant in France, where I really enjoyed teaching my language, and being able to share a little more of my culture with others. I have worked with people between the ages of 14 and 19, but I can adapt to any age.

USD 5.00/تجريبي
تعلم الإسبانية مع المعلم Cristian Bedoya.

826 دروس

Cristian Bedoya

id verified
SPEAKS :الإسبانية
ناطق أصلي

Learn Spanish with an Experienced Medellín Local! I'm very passionate about helping people with Spanish. I am very patient and encouraging and want to make anyone I help feel good about their level and progress. I can adjust my style to your goals, but believe that becoming conversational requires lots of listening and speaking practice. Soy muy apasionado en ayudarles a las personas con su Español. Soy muy paciente y quiero fomentar que cualquier persona se sienta bien con su nivel y progreso. Yo puedo ajustar mi estilo según sus metas, pero creo que para llegar a un nivel conversacional, requiere mucha practica escuchando y hablando.

USD 6.00/تجريبي
متاح 13:00 اليوم
تعلم الإسبانية مع المعلم Tomás Segura.

5,382 دروس

Tomás Segura

id verified
SPEAKS :الإسبانية
ناطق أصلي

A Spanish teacher who speaks English well and a little Japanese.🌮🍔🍙 As a teacher I usually focus on the practical. I do it this way based on my own experience learning language...it is the easiest method! If from the beginning you learn from your experiences, you learn much faster and it's a lot more enjoyable than traditional methods. During the first class we will figure out and adapt the best materials for your learning into order to motivate you.

USD 5.00/تجريبي
تعلم الإسبانية مع المعلم Carlos.

8,134 دروس


id verified
مُعلم محترف
SPEAKS :الإسبانية
ناطق أصلي

True fluency requires 7 essential elements. Do you know them? Click on my teacher profile or ask! My Spanish lessons have CLEAR goals, unlike most iTalki lessons. Most students continue with a teacher until they get bored or realize they are not improving fast enough, and then they move on and repeat the process again with a new teacher. Then, 2 years later, they wonder why their Spanish hasn’t improved much. Does that sound like you?  I'm NOT about having fun.

USD 9.97/تجريبي
متاح 20:00 اليوم
تعلم الإسبانية مع المعلم Valentina Hernández.

1,789 دروس

Valentina Hernández

id verified
SPEAKS :الإسبانية
ناطق أصلي

Aprender otro idioma es como convertirse en otra persona. 🌎📖 -Murakami Como profesora, me gusta ante todo mantener el respeto con mis estudiantes, escuchar sus opiniones y sugerencias. Al enseñar español me gusta tomar temáticas con las que mis estudiantes se sientan identificados y se sientan cómodos al conversar, pero también temas fuera de su zona de confort para aprender algo nuevo. As a teacher, i´ve learnt a lot about pedagogy, didactics and the many learning methods. Like teacher, i am always very respectful with my students, listen their opinions and suggestions. To teach spanish i like to handle topics comfortable and identified, but i also like to talk about other subjets out of the confort zone to my students.

USD 5.00/تجريبي
متاح 18:30 اليوم
تعلم الإسبانية مع المعلم Carolina Rodriguez.

6,009 دروس

Carolina Rodriguez

id verified
SPEAKS :الإسبانية
ناطق أصلي

If you want to speak Spanish with Caro, you must talk!teacher with 3 years of experience As a teacher I am very accessible and I adapt to the needs of each of the students, I am didactic, patient and I really like visual media for learning, as well as handling auditory media and games for a more fun class, but above all for a better and easier learning of the students.

USD 7.00/تجريبي
تعلم الإسبانية مع المعلم Claudia.

2,737 دروس


id verified
SPEAKS :الإسبانية
ناطق أصلي

¡Aprender Español es una aventura! ... y yo una gran compañera de aventuras 👩‍🏫💯 I like to explain in great detail and I usually go deeper into the explanation, or if necessary, I resort to different ways to do people understand and I am satisfied until I am sure that my students have understood and learned. I am very dedicated to my work, for me quality is very important and of course I apply it to my tutoring as well. If I come across something new for me, I commit to researching and mastering the subject so that I can pass it on later. It's a commitment to me.

USD 8.00/تجريبي
متاح 14:00 اليوم
تعلم الإسبانية مع المعلم 🎓 Jhon Hernandez 🦉.

5,587 دروس

🎓 Jhon Hernandez 🦉

id verified
SPEAKS :الإسبانية
ناطق أصلي

🛑4 Years of Experience in Bilingual Education, Tourism, Culture, and Global Tutoring🛑 English: I learned a powerful Spanish maxim: "Discipline, cleanliness, and punctuality are the keys to victory." This highlights the importance of discipline, cleanliness, and punctuality for success. I teach with this disciplined approach, essential for mastering languages. Polish: Nauczyłem się potężnej hiszpańskiej maksymy: „Dyscyplina, czystość i punktualność są kluczami do zwycięstwa”. Podkreśla ona znaczenie dyscypliny, czystości i punktualności dla sukcesu. Uczę z tym zdyscyplinowanym podejściem, niezbędnym do opanowania języków. French: J'ai appris une maxime espagnole puissante : « La discipline, la propreté et la ponctualité sont les clés de la victoire. » Utiles pour apprendre!

USD 18.00/تجريبي
متاح 15:45 اليوم
تعلم الإسبانية مع المعلم Maoganis.

6,870 دروس


id verified
مُعلم محترف
SPEAKS :الإسبانية
ناطق أصلي

Profesora de español con más de 7 años de experiencia, preparación para examen DELE / OPI / SIELE I am a patient person, and I am able to interpret the needs of each student in order to help them achieve their goals quickly and effectively. I have studied and taught within various disciplines such as economics and business, so I can help my students improve their speaking, listening, and writing skills in these areas and any others they may be interested in. // Soy una persona paciente y capaz de interpretar las necesidades de cada estudiante para así alcanzar los objetivos de forma rápida y eficaz. Tengo formación en varias áreas de conocimiento como economía y negocios, por eso puedo ayudar a mis estudiantes a mejorar sus habilidades para hablar, escuchar y escribir .

USD 7.00/تجريبي
متاح 13:30 اليوم
تعلم الإسبانية مع المعلم Gabriel.

760 دروس


id verified
SPEAKS :الإسبانية
ناطق أصلي
ناطق أصلي

Start your Spanish voyage with me! Mi método es didáctico y se basa en conversaciones y analizar letras de canciones. Puedo responder todas las preguntas que quieras en cualquier momento y recordaré tu nombre y tu origen porque me interesa conocer a mis alumnos. Te preguntaré también con qué frecuencia te gustaría que te haga correcciones. En resumen, podemos hacer la clase que más te interese y te sirva. My method is based on conversation and listening to lyrics. You can ask me any question you like anytime and I'll remember your name because I like to know my students and their origins. I'll ask you how many corrections you'd like me to make. We can have the class you prefer the most.

USD 5.00/تجريبي
متاح 18:30 اليوم
تعلم الإسبانية مع المعلم Maria.

10 دروس


id verified
مُعلم محترف
SPEAKS :الإسبانية
ناطق أصلي

Profesora con certificación y más de 6 años de experiencia. Certified teacher with experience. Imparto múltiples asignaturas relacionadas con el español, desde español regular hasta español para fines específicos. Adapto cada clase a las necesidades educativas del estudiante. Utilizo una gran variedad de materiales y te ayudo a conseguir tus objetivos. Además, diseño talleres para ayudar a los estudiantes a conseguir sus metas educativas. He participado en proyectos de traducción, correcciones de manuales y grabaciones de audio para libros de texto. También soy tutora de tesis de fin de grado. Y preparadora de exámenes oficiales de español.

USD 6.00/تجريبي
متاح 02:00 غدًا
تعلم الإسبانية مع المعلم María Trubba.

2,888 دروس

María Trubba

id verified
مُعلم محترف
SPEAKS :الإسبانية
ناطق أصلي

Certified teacher with 10 years experience. Former professional tango dancer & Yoga teacher ☀️🇦🇷 Hola! check out my introduction video: 0-1.30 Spanish 1.30 English My main goal as a teacher is to get my students to be able to communicate! To be able to do that we will follow a progressive program designed for you according to your needs and interests. You will learn the structure of the language while enjoying every lesson by actually practicing and using the language every class in real conversations! I know the process of learning a language since I’ve done it myself twice by becoming fluent in English and Italian, and I’m fully trained and experienced to guide you through that process. All material for classes (including pdf text books and grammar books) will be provided.

USD 15.00/تجريبي
تعلم الإسبانية مع المعلم Mitchell.

98 دروس


id verified
SPEAKS :الإسبانية
ناطق أصلي

Tutor who is excited about helping students reach their language learning goals I consider myself as a patient teacher and I try to create an environment where students feel comfortable. It's not a problem if you have never spoken the language or have little experience. I can always switch to Dutch, English or Spanish if you get stuck on a sentence or need more explanation in those languages. I will always find a way to guide you through the process

USD 18.00/الساعة
متاح 13:45 اليوم
تعلم الإسبانية مع المعلم Carlos 🚀.

12.4k دروس

Carlos 🚀

id verified
مُعلم محترف
SPEAKS :الإسبانية
ناطق أصلي

❗️SEND MESSAGE BEFORE BOOKING❗️Certified Bilingual Teacher 👨‍🏫 Teaching Experience: 14 years. I teach using mnemonics, and I force you to learn with creativity. Not only do you learn the mundane but useful parts of a language but also the cool ones in a fun way. Using weird but memorable examples you put into practice what you've learned. I have been teaching in iTalki since 2016 as my full-time job and before iTalki, I taught English since 2011. I have a Bachelor of Arts in Languages with a Major in English Translation. Nevertheless, I love teaching languages. 👉🏻 Cancellation Policy Unfortunately, I only reschedule classes for cancellation in case of emergencies. If a student is more than 10 minutes late or is a no-show, students will be charged for the entire lesson.

USD 10.00/تجريبي
متاح 18:30 اليوم
تعلم الإسبانية مع المعلم Jorge Llanos.

452 دروس

Jorge Llanos

id verified
SPEAKS :الإسبانية
ناطق أصلي

Spanish tutor with 3 years of experience. I understand that to learn a language you need constant practice, for this reason in me you will have the help you are looking for to achieve that fluency in Spanish. Tell me about your interests and goals, that way you will help me plan the lessons.

USD 5.00/تجريبي
متاح 12:00 اليوم
تعلم الإسبانية مع المعلم Spanish with Johana.

1,568 دروس

Spanish with Johana

id verified
SPEAKS :الإسبانية
ناطق أصلي

Personalized feedback & engaging lessons. Ready to start? 😎 I have experience teaching marketing and entrepreneurship to businesses, entrepreneurs, and NGOs. In Malta, I have helped several people to improve their Spanish level. My goal is to make every class feel like a step forward in your learning journey, so you can gradually build your confidence to communicate effectively in Spanish.

USD 6.00/تجريبي
متاح 19:15 اليوم
تعلم الإسبانية مع المعلم Andrea HC.

267 دروس

Andrea HC

id verified
SPEAKS :الإسبانية
ناطق أصلي

Tutor certificado de Español con más de 3 años de enseñanza en línea I am a kind and respectful tutor and I have a lot of patience while teaching because I know from my own experience studying English that learning a new language is a process that requires a lot of practice. Also, I love helping people learn my language.

USD 6.00/تجريبي
متاح 13:00 اليوم
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