Languages are used to express the human mind through ideas, and the ideas can vary a lot. Some Chinese learners still feel that’s it’s very hard to express their ideas in Chinese even if they have a fairly large vocabulary. In order to crack this problem, it’s necessary to gain knowledge of some basic Chinese sentence patterns.

Chinese sentences can be divided into two categories: simple and complex sentences. In this article, we are going to look at the patterns of simple Chinese sentences in detail and complex sentences in general.

Simple sentences

A simple sentence has one subject and one predicate. For example, 我有两个弟弟 (wǒ yǒu liǎng ge dìdi) is a simple sentence which means: I have two younger brothers. Complex sentences are those that have more than one subject and predicate, and different parts of a complex sentence are logically related. For example, 如果天下雨,我们就穿雨衣 means: If it rains, we will wear our raincoats.


          1. The simplest sentence pattern is Subject + Predicate (intransitive verb).

Let’s look at an example: 我游泳(I swim). In this sentence, 我 is the subject and 游泳 is an intransitive verb, as the predicate.

          2. The pattern is Subject + Predicate (transitive verb) + Object.

For instance, 他喝啤酒 (He drinks beer). In the sentence, 他 is the subject and 喝 is transitive verb, and 啤酒 is the object.

          3. Subject + 是 + Supplement (noun) is also a frequently used sentence pattern.

For example, 你是一个父亲(You are a father). 你 is the Subject, 是 is a link verb and 一个父亲 is the Supplement.

          4. We can also make a complete sentence with the pattern Subject + Supplement (adjective).

For example, 我家很大(My house is very large).

          5. The imperative sentence pattern is Verb +Objective).

For example, 开窗(Open the window), and 坐 (Sit down). In imperative sentences, the subject should be 你(you), but in most cases, is omitted. If you want to make an imperative sentence more polite, you can add 请 (please) at the beginning of the sentence, like 请开窗(Please open the window), and 请坐 (Please sit down).

          6. The structure of a sentence with 把 is: Subject + 把 + Object + Predicate (transitive verb) + Complement.

For example, 工人们把桥修好了(The workers got the bridge repaired). The Chinese character 把 in the pattern can be replaced with 将 without changing the meaning of the sentence.

          7. The structure of a sentence with 被 is: Subject + 被+ Object + Predicate (transitive verb) + Supplement.

Not all sentences with 被 have a supplement. Examples: 书被他 (The book was torn into pieces by him), and 他被狗咬了(He was bitten by a dog).


Complex sentences

The seven above-mentioned simple sentence patterns can be combined logically into complex sentences. In terms of the relationship between the simple sentences in a complex sentence, we define the following kinds of complex sentences in Chinese as below:



从家到学校是一公里,从学校到家是一公里 。
It is one kilometer from home to school, and it is also one kilometer from school to home.

He doesn’t study hard, and he doesn’t work actively.

Conjunctions that are used in this kind of complex sentences include:
又……又……, 一方面……一方面……, 既……又(也)……, ……,……


He teaches me not only the Chinese language but also Chinese culture.

Conjunctions that are used in this kind of complex sentences include:
不但(不仅)……, 而且……; 不但(不仅)……, 还……; ……, 并(并且)……


The umbrella was brought either by Li Ping or by Wang Dong.

Conjunctions that are used in this kind of complex sentences include:
……, 或者……; 是…., 还是……; 不是……., 就是……; 要么……, 要么……

Adversative transition:

The book is very easy, but very practical.

Conjunctions that are used in this kind of complex sentences include:
虽然……, 但是(却)……; 尽管……., 可是……; ……, 却…… ; ……, 然而……

Cause and effect:

Because you broke the vase, you should compensate.

Conjunctions that are used in this kind of complex sentences include:
因为……, 所以……; 由于……, 因此……; 之所以……, 是因为……; 既然……, 就(可见,可知)…..; ……, 故…..


Only when scientific technology is valued will the economy be developed.

Conjunctions that are used in this kind of complex sentences include:
只有……, 才能……; 只要……, 就……; 无论……, 都……; 不管….., 也(总)……; 除非……, 才……


If you cannot swim, it is very dangerous to get into water.

Conjunctions that are used in this kind of complex sentences include:
如果……, 就……; 要是……, 就……; 即使……, 也……; 若是……, 那么……


Mastering the basic Chinese sentence patterns helps you make sentences correctly and expands your Chinese vocabulary. Varieties of sentence patterns and lengths also show a Chinese learner’s language ability.


Hero Image by Dmitry P (CC BY 2.0)