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如何教华裔孩子学习中文,因为中国的孩子的语文可以从小学到大学一直学习,而华裔的孩子只能在有限的时间学习中文,所以我教华裔的孩子的时候,如果孩子会拼音,那么我会尽量通过一些方法,让孩子先借助拼音认汉字,然后摆脱拼音认识和熟记汉字,达到流畅阅读课文的目的,有华裔的朋友,请找我来学习中文吧! How to teach Chinese children to learn Chinese, because Chinese children can learn Chinese from primary school to university, and Chinese children can only learn Chinese in a limited time, so when I teach Chinese children, if the child can pinyin, then I will try to use some methods to let children recognize Chinese characters with pinyin, and then get rid of pinyin to understand and memorize Chinese characters. To achieve the purpose of reading the text fluently, there are Chinese friends, please find me to learn Chinese!
19. Sep. 2024 14:10
I can't describe these pictures in English clearly. Please help me. 今年6月,当我参观北京圆明园时,我看到一些图片,介绍圆明园中喷泉的工作原理,我当时震惊了,中国的古代没有电,没有水泵,怎样实现喷泉? 谁能想象如此漂亮的喷泉,如此漂亮的建筑,里面竟然藏着一个人牵着一头驴在绕着柱子做圆周运动。一楼的齿轮与二楼的柱子同轴旋转,通过一对锥齿轮,将二楼的旋转运动转化为一楼相互垂直的旋转运动,带动了一楼曲柄旋转。曲柄旋转时,通过曲柄上的连杆带动活塞在气缸内上下往复运动,将一楼水池的水源源不断地抽吸入活塞,再压入二楼水池。再通过不同粗细的管子将二楼水池的水放出来,行成喷泉。不得不赞叹设计师的智慧。 On April this year, when I visited the Old Summer Palace in Beijing, I saw some pictures that introduced how the fountain working in Old Summer Palace. I was shocked. There were not electricity and pump, How to make a fountain? Who can imagine what a beautiful building and fountain, a donkey followed a person hiding in the seconditions floor made the beautiful fountain. What intelligent designers!
19. Sep. 2024 13:59
The #1 Fear of why people affraid to speak English https://www.italki.com/en/post/qu3EuTP4ULp0NJUHJqPuEA Are you afraid to speak English? You're not alone. Many English learners struggle to take the leap from understanding to speaking. There are three types of fears: The fear of failure, being misunderstood and making grammar mistakes are the three most common reasons why people are afraid to speak English. Are you one of them? In today's podcast I'll dive deeper into another HUGE fear - the fear of being judged when communicating. Dive deep into it and detach yourself from it! If you want and additional tool to help you - use my Grounding & harmonizing meditation to help you get more relaxed, clear and confident on daily basis (for all level of English learners. You can find it here: https://teach.italki.com/creator/podcast/episode/21bdqywf50htlwezm7ax1i Enjoy the process and see you in my private trainings.
19. Sep. 2024 13:44
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