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Lerne Japanisch online mit zertifizierten Lehrern und Muttersprachlern

Unsere Japanischlehrer und Tutoren sind erfahren und sehr daran interessiert, den Schülern zu helfen, ihre Sprachkenntnisse zu verbessern. Egal, ob du Anfänger bist oder fortgeschrittene Kenntnisse hast, unsere Plattform bietet dir eine flexible und bequeme Möglichkeit, von zu Hause aus zu lernen.

Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Yuki【Logs Japan】.

102 Stunden

Yuki【Logs Japan】

id verified
SPEAKS :Japanisch

italkiなどを通じて、外国籍の方の日本転職を100名以上サポートしてきました。 日本就職には、プロが知っている情報が重要です。 あなたの活動スタイルに合わせたレッスンを一緒にしていきましょう😊 italkiなどを通じて、外国籍の方の日本転職を100名以上サポートしてきました。 サポートしてきた方の国籍は中国、アメリカ、スウェーデン、メキシコなど様々で、年齢も20代から40代まで様々です。 日本就職には、サポートのプロが知っている情報が重要です。 あなたの活動スタイルに合わせたレッスンをしますので、一緒に頑張りましょう😊 Through italki, etc., we have supported more than 100 foreign nationals to change jobs in Japan. The people who have supported us come from a variety of nationalities, including China, the United States, Sweden, and Mexico, and their ages range from 20s to 40s. Information that support professionals know is important for finding a job in Japan. I will give lessons that match your activity style, so let's do our best together 😊

USD 15.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Mizuki.

8,372 Stunden


id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

I have three certifications in Japanese language education and experience working at schools. I have completed all the requirements of Japanese Language Teacher Training Course 420 hours above, and successfully passed the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test. I actually have work experience of Japanese language schools. I support a wide range of people, from beginners who have never studied Japanese to intermediate and advanced students, honorifics and business Japanese, and employment at Japanese companies. Don’t worry about the JLPT exam. From N5 to N1, I will present the plan that suits you. In fact, you will be able to pass the JLPT, move to Japan, get a job at a Japanese company, enjoy traveling to Japan, anime and games, and talk with Japanese native speakers.

USD 7.00/Probestunde
Verfügbar 23:30 Heute
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Marco Antônio.

1,887 Stunden

Marco Antônio

id verified
SPEAKS :Japanisch

English: C1 - Japanese: N1 - Portuguese: Nativo de Minas Gerais, uai! I taught myself both English and Japanese, so I believe anyone can learn a language. The secret? Do it just a little bit every day. Do things that are fun for you. As a teacher I will share with you my knowledge, but as a fellow language learner, I will share my experience about learning. 英語も日本語も独学で覚えてきたから、誰でも外国語が話せるようになれると信じます。 秘訣はただ1つ:毎日少しでも頑張って、お楽しみに勉強することです。 先生として、知識を提供します。言語学習者同士として、自分の経験やコツを提供します。

USD 7.00/Probestunde
Verfügbar 22:30 Heute
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Tama.

2,235 Stunden


id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

Certified Japanese teacher who loves dancing and ukulele. 2017年(ねん)から、国際交流協会(こくさいこうりゅうきょうかい)でボランティアの日本語(にほんご)の先生(せんせい)をしています。 I have been teaching Japanese since 2017 as a volunteer at an international association. 生徒(せいと)さんたちは、とても熱心(ねっしん)に日本語(にほんご)を勉強(べんきょう)するので、私(わたし)は彼(かれ)らに刺激(しげき)を受けました。 My students were enthusiastic about learning Japanese and I was inspired by them. 私(わたし)は勉強(べんきょう)を始(はじ)め、2020年(ねん)に検定試験(けんていしけん)に合格(ごうかく)し、本格的(ほんかくてき)な日本語教師(にほんごきょうし)になりました。 I started studying and passed the exam in 2020 and became a qualified Japanese teacher. 私(わたし)と一緒(いっしょ)に楽(たの)しく日本語(にほんご)を勉強(べんきょう)しましょう。 Let's enjoy studying Japanese with me!

USD 8.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Tenta Nakatani.

21 Stunden

Tenta Nakatani

id verified
SPEAKS :Japanisch

I’m born and raised Osaka so I speak Kansai dialect if you want to, I can teach this dialect as well 授業では楽しむことを1番に一緒に日本語の勉強のお手伝いをしたいです。もし日本語が少ししか話せなくても英語での解説を交えながら日本語を学ぶ事ができます。 I think enjoying is most important to learn new languages so I want to help you learn Japanese. Please don’t worry, if you are not good at speaking Japanese, you can learn with explanation in English.

USD 5.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer 瑛二(えいじ).

1,179 Stunden


id verified
SPEAKS :Japanisch
Chinesisch (Mandarin)

住在上海的日语老师~ 私はプロの講師ではありませんが、大学時代に留学生に日本語を教えていたことがあります。 この経験から、語学が上手になるには、会話が必要ということがわかりました。 また、私自身中国語のを学習しており、中国語を使って会話をすることができます。 我虽然不是专业的讲师。 但是在大学时代以前教过留学生日语。 从这次经验中我明白了。 要想学好外语,对话是必不可少的。 另外,我自己也在学习中文。 可以用中文进行对话

USD 8.00/Probestunde
Verfügbar 03:00 Morgen
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer 肝付 のの.

825 Stunden

肝付 のの

id verified
SPEAKS :Japanisch

フィンランドへ1年間の留学経験がありIELTS7.0を所持しています。さまざまな国の文化を話すのが大好きです、一緒に日本語で話しましょう! 私はアルバイトとして高校生と小学生の家庭教師をしています。なので、私は勉強をするのも教えるのも大好きです。また、私は東京育ちなので基本的に標準語をしゃべります。そして、日本語についてなら文法でも敬語でも漢字でもなんでもみなさんにご協力できます。日本語について楽しく学びたいという方はぜひ一生に授業をしましょう! I’m tutoring for elementary school student and junior high school student, meaning I like teaching very ,much. Since I am from Tokyo, I speak normal Japanese without any accent or direct. I’m happy to talk about anything and I can help you with grammar, pronunciation, punctuation and anything else!

USD 7.00/Probestunde
Verfügbar 23:00 Heute
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer NORIKO (哲子 のりこ).

192 Stunden

NORIKO (哲子 のりこ)

id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

Let's work together to improve your Japanese speaking skills and ability to create sentences. I have completed the 420-hour Japanese Language Teacher Training Course at The World Japanese Language Center and have two years of experience teaching Japanese.I will be starting to teach Japanese in italki from April 2023. My main goal in teaching Japanese is to use my previous experience as a teacher and my social background to assist Japanese language learners in achieving their goals. As someone who has studied English as a second language, I understand the challenges of language learning, but I believe that my ability to teach from the learner's perspective is one of my strengths. Let's work hard together.

USD 9.99/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Ayano Vtuberproducer.

3,626 Stunden

Ayano Vtuberproducer

id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

I was a game company worker! I'm a top 1% italki teacher who teaches real (&otaku/Vtuber) Japanese! I teach real, natural and practical Japanese in very effective ways. I don't use unnatural Japanese such as 私の名前は (watashino namae wa) ! So you will be able to speak like native speakers! If you need to use English in our lesson, we can do so. No worries! However, let's use Japanese as much as possible for your learning, of course. Feel free to ask me other requests and questions!

USD 14.00/Probestunde
Verfügbar 02:30 Morgen
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Veronika.

19 Stunden


id verified
SPEAKS :Japanisch

A friendly and talkative teacher of Russian and Japanese:) I have many students off-line, and we enjoy a conversation class. I want my students to spend a great time while learning, not only to get some new information, but also to release some stress from work and have a lot of of positive emotions. Also what I consider important is to help students learn some new vocabulary during the class, as I think it can be the most difficult part when you struggle with language learning. So I suggest to learn new words and practice them immediately by using those words during the class in different forms.

USD 5.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Kei Japanese teacher.

1,149 Stunden

Kei Japanese teacher

id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

Certified Japanese teacher who used to hang out with super famous J-POP musicians For beginners I use teaching materials and focus on the Genki textbook. For JLPT I use a JLPT textbook. I published a book about how to get high scores on exams using only short term study and it's best seller on Amazon so I certainly know plenty of tips. Let's study efficiently together! I know many Japanese learners have headaches for particles like the difference between 'が’ and 'は', 'に’and 'で’, 自動詞(はいる)and 他動詞(いれる). As a professional teacher, I am willing to explain and practice with you. You can book my trial lesson directly.But ask me if you have a question. *Recently, I receive many inquiries without questions.Please kindly clarify your question when you message me.

USD 8.90/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Reina Oguchi.

1 Stunden

Reina Oguchi

id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

Let's practice Japanese with professional & always smiling teacher! 私は2022年に、日本語を教える資格;日本語教育能力試験を取りました。 また、大学では教育について勉強し、塾の先生として4年間働いた経験もあります。 2023年の2月から、日本語の先生として教え始めました。 レッスンを通して、生徒の皆さんの、人生の選択肢を広げることこそが、私の一番の喜びです。 I took Japanese teaching license in 2022. And I studied about education when I was in University. Also, I was teaching in a private school for 4 years. I started teaching Japanese from Feb, 2023. My greatest joy is to widen students' choices of life through my lessons.

USD 12.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Satomi.

2,965 Stunden


id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

★Top 1% of Japanese teacher in 2022★ Certified Japanese Teacher for both adults and children Me as a Teacher I completed "Japanese Language Teacher training course (420hours)" and "Training to teach children Japanese". I have taught at Japanese language school for 5+ years. Before working as a teacher, I had taught Japanese to foreigners as a volunteer. I have studied abroad in Canada, therefore I understand how difficult it is to learn a foreign language. Based on these my experiences, I think of what student's needs and wants are and support them in my lessons.

USD 7.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Harue.


id verified
SPEAKS :Japanisch

Let's free conversation! I grew up in Kanagawa prefecture next to Tokyo, so I speak standard Japanese . I worked in human resources department of a Japanese company for about 20 years.I can also tell you about the business culture in Japan. When I lived in Shanghai, I taught Japanese to students. 我是在东京旁边的神奈川县长大的,所以说日语的标准语。 大学毕业后在日本企业的人事部门工作了大概20年。因此也可以教日本的商务文化。 住在上海的时候,教过学生日语。 私は東京の隣の神奈川県で育ちましたので、日本語の標準語を話します。 大学を卒業後は日本の企業の人事部門でおよそ20年仕事をしていました。そのため日本のビジネス文化も教えることができます。 上海に住んでいたとき、学生に日本語を教えていたことがあります。

USD 5.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Jumpei.

6,453 Stunden


id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

With 5000+ hours of experience in teaching, I've helped great learners find their passion and voice My strong point is.. my memory! You wouldn't believe it but I remember what I taught you more than you do, although honestly, you are not only my student. This makes it easy for me to plan what we should do in every lesson and you don’t need to worry if you didn’t have time to review because we will review a lot! Pronunciation is my favorite topic. Although I don’t start teaching pronunciation right away because its priority isn’t so high. However, there are not a lot of Japanese teachers who can teach this topic since it is too complicated, and I’ve been helping hundreds of students to improve their pronunciation.

USD 12.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer kwon teacher.

3,074 Stunden

kwon teacher

id verified
SPEAKS :Japanisch

Welcome to my class, any level is okay ( from beginner to advanced. preparation for TOPIK test When I was in Korea, I taught Japanese to Korean students and after I came to Australia, I taught Korean to foreigners as a Korean tutor. For this, I completed a Korean language teacher program. I would love to help you study Korean in an easy way and I know how to make the process of learning interesting and help you understand even the most difficult aspects of Korean grammar. I am here to improve your Korean

USD 6.00/Probestunde
Verfügbar 00:00 Morgen
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Ryoji.

621 Stunden


id verified
SPEAKS :Japanisch

Multi lingual Japanese teacher! As a language learner, I know what is more important in learning different languages. For some people memorizing words and phrases will work, for some people just having a real conversation with a native speaker will help. So let's find what works for you and learn together! 日本人の方へ、英語を勉強していらっしゃる方で、英語を勉強したい方は日本語を使って説明ができますので、是非一度レッスンをお試しください。上級の方には英語でのレッスンが効果的だと思いますが、日本語での説明の方がより効果的に内容の把握をすることができると思います。

USD 15.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer まさひろ Masahiro.

1,156 Stunden

まさひろ Masahiro

id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

JEES certified teacher with 38 years' business experience. 日本語教育能力検定試験は2020年に合格、日本語教師養成講座を2021年に修了しました。日本語を教える事は勿論、日本のビジネスマナーや、文化についても教える事ができます。ビジネスの場面でも対応できる、知的で正しい日本語を身につけましょう。 I passed the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test in 2020 and completed the Japanese Language Teacher Training Course in 2021. As I have more than 30 years’ experience in business, I can help you learning not only Japanese language but also business etiquette and culture. Let us learn high-level and workplace Japanese that can be used even in the business scene. <Attention> Cancellation & Refund Policy If a student is more than 15 minutes late without any notification, the lesson will be regarded as a no-show and fee will not be refunded.

USD 9.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Chisa.

55 Stunden


id verified
SPEAKS :Japanisch

Over 3 years of experience I took the “420 hours of Japanese Language Teaching Course”. Then I have experienced teaching Japanese for over 3years at another platform. I'd like to help you out with learning Japanese as a friendly tutor. I will customise as you would like to learn Japanese, so please let me know about your request!! Since I’ve worked as a secretary at a Japanese company in Tokyo, I can help you form a daily conversation at an office setting as well . I already got a certificated of Japanese secretary, grade pre-1. I understand how difficult to study another language. Let me share my experiences. 日本語教師(きょうし)の資格(しかく)を取りました。 以前(いぜん)は秘書(ひしょ)の仕事をしていましたので、オフィスで使う(つかう) 日本語のお手伝い(おてつだい)もできます。

USD 8.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer ASUKA.

104 Stunden


id verified
SPEAKS :Japanisch

オンライン日本語レッスンの経験は1年ほどですが、みなさんの目標に向けた学習を全力でサポートします! オンラインで会話中心のレッスンを1年ほど続けています。 文法や発音、漢字の練習などもレッスンできます。 ☆気軽に日本語で会話したい人 ☆旅行で使える日本語を学びたい人 ☆漢字を練習したい人 ☆JLPTの勉強をしたい人 みなさん一緒に勉強しましょう! みなさんの知りたい、勉強したい、話したいを全力でサポートします! I've been conducting conversation-focused lessons online for about a year now. I can also cover grammar, pronunciation, and kanji practice in my lessons. If you: ☆ Want to casually chat in Japanese ☆ Wish to learn Japanese for travel purposes ☆ Want to practice kanji ☆ Are interested in studying for the JLPT Let's study together! I'll fully support what you want to know, learn, and talk about! 我已经在网上进行以会话为中心的课程约一年了。我也可以教授语法、发音和汉字练习等内容。 如果你: ☆ 想要轻松地用日语交流 ☆ 希望学习在旅行中可以使用的日语 ☆ 想要练习汉字 ☆ 想要准备JLPT考试 让我们一起学习吧!我会全力支持你想要了解、学习和讨论的内容!

USD 5.00/Probestunde
Ihre letzte Zahlung wird in US-Dollar getätigt

Hast du Fragen? Kein Problem!

Bei Italki legen wir großen Wert auf die Auswahl und Qualifikation unserer Japanischlehrer. Alle unsere Japanischlehrer sind Muttersprachler oder zertifizierte zweisprachige Sprecher von Japanisch. Sie haben einen strengen Bewerbungsprozess durchlaufen, der eine Bewertung ihrer Lehrerfahrung, Qualifikationen und Sprachkenntnisse beinhaltet.

Selbstverständlich! Bei Italki bieten wir dir die Möglichkeit, zwischen Einzelunterricht und Gruppenkursen zu wählen. Du kannst die Option wählen, die am besten zu deinen Lernpräferenzen und Zielen passt. Der Einzelunterricht ermöglicht dir individuelle Aufmerksamkeit und maßgeschneiderte Lerninhalte, während die Gruppenkurse dir die Möglichkeit bieten, mit anderen Lernenden zu interagieren und gemeinsam zu lernen.

Ja, unsere Japanischkurse sind für Anfänger geeignet. Egal, ob du noch keine Vorkenntnisse hast oder bereits erste Schritte im Japanischen gemacht hast, unsere Lehrkräfte passen den Unterricht an dein Sprachniveau an. In den Anfängerkursen legen wir besonderen Wert auf die Grundlagen der japanischen Sprache, einschließlich Grammatik, Vokabular und Aussprache.

Um deine Japanischkenntnisse zu verbessern, empfehlen wir dir regelmäßiges Üben und aktive Auseinandersetzung mit der Sprache. Neben dem Unterricht bei unseren qualifizierten Lehrkräften kannst du auch außerhalb des Unterrichts Japanisch üben, zum Beispiel durch Lesen von Büchern, Hören von Hörbüchern oder Musik auf Japanisch und aktive Konversation mit Muttersprachlern. Je mehr du dich mit der Sprache beschäftigst und sie im Alltag anwendest, desto schneller wirst du Fortschritte machen.

Ja, bei Italki kannst du Japanisch in deinem eigenen Tempo lernen. Unsere flexiblen Unterrichtszeiten ermöglichen es dir, deinen eigenen Stundenplan festzulegen und Unterrichtseinheiten zu buchen, die zu deinem Lernfortschritt und deiner Verfügbarkeit passen. Unsere Lehrkräfte passen den Unterricht an dein individuelles Tempo und deine Lernziele an, damit du in deinem eigenen Rhythmus lernen kannst. Wir glauben daran, dass jeder Lernende einzigartig ist und einen individuellen Ansatz für den Spracherwerb benötigt.

Bereit, wirklich Japanisch zu lernen? Mach den ersten Schritt und buche noch heute eine Probestunde mit einem unserer erfahrenen Japanischlehrer.

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