#49 Japanese culture / おせち《osechi》 // N3 Level /Japanese listening
#49 Japanese culture / おせち《osechi》 // N3 Level /Japanese listening
31. Dezember 2023
I’ll introduce Japanese culture in easy Japanese. Today’s Theme is “おせち《osechi》”. This episode is JLPT-N3 level. I created a quiz on this episode. After listening, please take the quiz! Please use this audio for listening and shadowing practices. ☆Words☆ おせち料理(りょうり):traditional Japanese New Year feast 伝統的(でんとうてき)な:traditional 元日(がんじつ):New Year's Day 黒豆(くろまめ):sweet black soybeans 大豆(だいず):soy 祈(いの)る:pray えび:shrimp ひげ:beard 曲(ま)がる:bend 老人(ろうじん):elderly person 長生(ながい)きする:live long 昆布巻(こぶま)き:konbu rolls 鮭(さけ):salmon 巻(ま)く:roll 数(かず)の子(こ):herring roe ニシン:herring 栗(くり)きんとん:sweet potato with chestnuts さつまいも:sweet potato 栗(くり):chestnut 混(ま)ぜる:mix 貯(た)める:save 伊達巻(だてま)き:sweet rolled omelet オムレツ:omelette 巻物(まきもの):scroll, rolled book 紅白(こうはく)かまぼこ:Red and White Fish Cake かまぼこ:boiled fish paste 日(ひ)の出(で):sunrise 箸(はし):chopsticks 祝(いわ)い箸(ばし):special festival chopsticks for New Year 一方(いっぽう):one side 神人共食(しんじんきょうしょく):God and humans eating together ☆Script for this episode The scripts (URL) are listed in the overview section of the channel. ☆Quiz for this episode
Simple Japanese Listening with Meg(めぐ)Smile