1 - Qué es la que hay?
“What’s up!” This is a phrase you can use when you great your friends.
2 - Chavo
Money. It’s the equivalent of dinero.
Example: Mi amiga me ha prestado chavo. — My friend lent me money.
3 - Pela'o
“Broke” in terms of not having money.
Example: Estoy pela’o, no tengo chavo. — I’m broke I don’t have any money.
4 - Brutal
Something that is amazing!
Example: Esa pelicula fue brutal! — That movie was amazing!
5 - Acicala'o
Flashy or well put together (in terms of dressing and style).
Example: Ese tipo está acicala’o con las cadenas puestas. — That man is flashy with his chains on.
6 - Guagua
Bus or truck
Example: I’m going to take the bus tomorrow. — Voy a coger la guagua mañana.
7 - Revolú
Example: Limpia este revolú. — Clean this mess.
8 - Corillo
Group of friends (gang)
Example: Saldré con mi corillo. — I will go out with my friends.
9 - Birras
Example: Pásame una birra. — Pass me a beer.
10 - Parquear
To park (the car)
Example: ¿Dónde parqueaste el carro? — Where did you park the car?
11 - Bregar
To deal with (something)
Example: No puede venir porque está bregando con cosas de la casa. — He can’t come because he’s dealing with things at home.
12 - Al garete
Disaster or mess
Example: La situación está al garete por el gobierno. — The situation is a disaster because of the government.
13 - Ahorita (Orita)
Meaning “later.” Not to be confused with “ahora” which means now. Ahorita is an abstract time in the future.
Example: Te llamo ahorita, estoy ocupado ahora. — I’ll call you later, I’m busy right now.
14 - Embuste o Embustero
Lie or Liar. The equivalent to mentira and mentiroso
Example: Él es un embustero, no le creas. He his a liar, don’t believe him.
15 - Bochinche
Bad gossip that usually includes some sort of defamation.
Example: Ellos me dijeron un bochinche de tu amiga. — They gossiped to me about your friend.