07. 他想变得好一些He wants to be better.---《苍兰诀》
07. 他想变得好一些He wants to be better.---《苍兰诀》
7. September 2022
大家好啊,我是丹霞。您现在收听的是中文台词频道,最近火爆的电视剧《苍兰诀》你看了吗?剧里边儿有句台词关于东方青苍: 他骨子里仍旧是一个十恶不赦的坏人 但唯独在这个什么都不记得的人面前 他想变得好一些 ---《苍兰诀》/<Love Between Fairy and Devil> He is still an unforgivable villain in his bones, but he wants to be better in front of this person who doesn't remember anything. 骨子里gǔzilǐ:内心 in one’s bones, in one’s heart of hearts 仍旧 réngjiù:仍然, 还是 still 十恶不赦[shí è bú shè]: 赦意思是赦免[shè miǎn]remit(a punishment), pardon 十恶不赦是形容犯了重大的罪行,而不能被饶恕。 perpetrate every conceivable crime and be unpardonably wicked; a crime which is past forgiving 唯独[wéi dú]:单单,只only 在……面前[zài … … miàn qián]:in face of, in front of
Chinese Lines 中文台词