How I'd answer my own questions :) The topic is Birthday
How I'd answer my own questions :) The topic is Birthday
12. September 2022
Yesterday I did a podcast on "Birthday" and I came up with some questions for you to think about What was the best birthday you ever had? How old were you? Who was there, who did you invite? Did you have it at home? Did you cook? or you had it in a restaurant/ cafe? Why was it the best birthday for you? What feelings, emotions did you experience? What were the gifts you were given? Which one was the best one? Who was the most memorable person at the party? Today I decided to answer it myself. I didn't prepare - I just told it how it is. I hope you'll get an idea that you don't have to be perfect when you are asked questions. You don't have to be X Y Z... You can just be you and enjoy it... There is great in the mindset if you'll accept it through listening&agreeing with it. To Your Success!
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