#14 (A2) Cuisines locales et nouvelles tendances
#14 (A2) Cuisines locales et nouvelles tendances
2. Juli 2022
⭐ In this A2-level podcast I will talk about local and traditional food in France and French overseas territories, as well as new trends in cuisine. We will see how to express progression with “more and more” and “less and less” in French, we will practise the pronoun “en”, we will review the vocabulary for food and cooking, and much more! ⭐ In the first part of this podcast I will speak French only, and in the second part I will translate and explain everything I said in English. ⭐ Contents: 1/ La gastronomie du sud-est 2/ La gastronomie de l'est 3/ La gastronomie du nord-est 4/ La gastronomie du sud-ouest 5/ La gastronomie des Antilles 6/ La gastronomie de l'île de la Réunion 7/ La gastronomie du Pacifique Sud 8/ Vieux légumes et cuisine fusion 9/ Des fleurs et des restes
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