A1#09 Ecole, travail et saisons
A1#09 Ecole, travail et saisons
26. September 2024
⭐ In this A1-level episode, we will talk about school, work, retirement and public holidays in France. We will review how to say the months and seasons, and learn useful words and phrases to talk about frequency and describe working conditions in French, among many other things. ⭐ In the first part of this podcast, I will speak only in French, and in the second part, I will translate and explain everything in English. ⭐ Contents: 1/ Les 3 étapes de la vie 2/ Le rythme scolaire en France 3/ Le rythme scolaire ailleurs 4/ Les jours fériés 5/ Les saisons 6/ La semaine de travail 7/ Le temps de travail, les jours de repos et les vacances 8/ Les salaires et la retraite
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