James Meets Jennifer
James Meets Jennifer
2. Februar 2022
This is the first short episode in the story where two people meet. See the transcript below to help aid your comprehension. Welcome English learners! Today we’re going to begin a story that will last for several episodes. You can listen to the story episode by episode and grow your vocabulary and listening skills. Enjoy! James looked over his shoulder. He saw something running toward him very fast. His heart started beating rapidly. He thought it was a person, but when he turned to face them, he realized that it wasn’t a person. It was a large black dog. The dog was getting closer and closer, but it wasn’t barking at him. In fact, the dog looked happy. Then he saw why the dog was running. There was a tennis ball bouncing and rolling toward him and the dog was chasing it. James looked up and saw a woman about one hundred yards away from him. She was short and blonde. The dog grabbed the ball with his mouth and started running back toward her. “Good boy!” she said. “That’s a beautiful dog you have,” James said to her. “Thanks! Actually, he’s not my dog. I’m just watching him for a friend this weekend.” she replied. “Oh, I see,” said James. “Well, how did your friend get you to dog-sit for them?” James asked. “That’s actually along story,” she answered with a smile. James liked her smile and he had time to spare. He walked casually toward her and the dog. “I’ve got time. What’s the story?” James asked. “My name’s James, by the way.” “Jennifer. Nice to meet you. Well, it actually started a few months ago when I was hanging out with my friend…” she said. Well, that’s the end of the story for this episode. Tune in to the next episode to hear more about what happens with Jennifer and James. Be sure to write down any new vocabulary and listen again to improve your comprehension. See you next time!
Stories in English