6. 我在广州生活了5年了/I ‘ve lived in Guangzhou for 5 years.
6. 我在广州生活了5年了/I ‘ve lived in Guangzhou for 5 years.
25. Januar 2024
前两天,和学生上课时,讨论起来如果城市是一个人,那么你对这个人的印象是什么样的。聊得非常开心,希望大家和我们一起讨论。 The other day, when I had class with my student, we talked about if we consider a city as a person, what would be the image of your city? We had a very interesting conversation. And I sincerely invite you to join our discussion. 她说广州像一个小商贩,每天起早贪黑忙忙碌碌。但是他的生意总是做不了很大,一直是马马虎虎的样子。 She said Guangzhou is like a small trader. Working from dawn to dusk, hustling and bustling. But his business is always a small business, hard to expand. 而一海之隔的香港却是个非常成功的生意人,西装革履,派头十足。值得广州好好学习。 Otherwise, Hong Kong which is in the Ocean apart is a very successful businessman. Wear fancy suits, and be very flamboyant. It’s a very good example for Guangzhou.
Crystal Gao's Chinese Language Journey