古典智慧拾贝  - 《中庸》第一集
古典智慧拾贝 - 《中庸》第一集
21. Februar 2024
大家好,我是潘妮,欢迎来到古典智慧拾贝。在这里,我主要与大家分享中国古代的思想家的智慧。 今天的智慧来自《中庸》。这本书是一部儒家经典,主要讲学习的方式和做人的规范。几千年来,都是中国文化的经典。 喜怒哀乐之未发,谓之中,发而皆中节,谓之和。 也就是说,快乐、生气、伤心和喜悦这样的情感没有发生时,叫做“中”,在合适的情况下发生,叫做“和”。 “中”与“和”这两个字,在中国的语言文化中,既简单,又极其重要。 谢谢你的收听,我们下次见。 Hello everyone, my name is Penny, welcome to this channel. In this channel, I will share with you wisdoms of Chinese thinkers and philosophers from the past. The wisdom of the day comes from “The Doctrine of the Mean”, which is a confucianist classic. It mainly talks about study methods and what does it mean of being a human. For thousands of years, it is revered as a classic of Chinese culture. While there are no stirrings of pleasure, anger, sorrow or joy, the mind may be said to be in the state of Equilibrium. When those feelings have been stirred, and they act in their due degree, there ensues what may be called the state of Harmony. This two words (character 中 and 和 ) is so simple but so important in Chinese language and culture. Thanks for your listening, and I will see you next time.
Wisdom From the Past 古典智慧拾贝