Getting a job offer is always a happy occasion, but what if it’s not what you want?
Should you settle for good enough? Ask for a higher salary or fewer work hours?
Tune in to the latest episode of the Express to Impress Podcast to get four tips for negotiating a job offer successfully.
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Episode originally published July 30, 2021
Original theme music by Lucas Knutter
Read the transcript
Book mentioned: The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less by Barry Schwartz.
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Links Included in Episode Show Notes:
To sign up for my free five-step job interview preparation checklist, visit
Listen to my episode about salary negotiation at
Book one of my career coaching services on the Muse at
Enroll in one of my online courses at
Succeed in a Job Interview and Land Your Next Job: learn more about job negotiation, how to negotiate a salary offer, and how to counter a salary offer.
Job Search Strategies That Work: get a handout with a list of 27 benefits you should consider as part of a compensation package.
How to Write a Standout Resume: get templates for resumes, cover letters, and e-notes.
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