Hello everyone 😆 When Japanese people eat a meal, we say "Itadakimasu, いただきます" . 🙏✨When they finish eating, we say "Gochisosama, ごちそうさま". 🙏✨This is an expression of gratitude to the food and the people who made it. 🤗Let's eat meal without leaving anything behind today.🙌
10. Juni 2021 23:18
Korrekturen · 3
Hello everyone 😆 When Japanese people eat a meal, we say "Itadakimasu, いただきます" . 🙏✨When they finish eating, we say "Gochisosama, ごちそうさま". 🙏✨This is an expression of gratitude to the food and the people who made it. 🤗Let's eat meals without leaving anything behind today.🙌
Yes, I think it is good not to waste food and be grateful.
11. Juni 2021
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