Could someone kindly help me to improve it?) What is more important to have: intellect, emotional intelligence or creativity? I vote for emotional intelligence, because it’s useful for all people no matter what they do for living. We are social creatures, so the ability to understand each other (and ourselves) and react adequately is undoubtedly essential. Intellect might open a lot of doors, but it can’t make you happy if you aren’t able to deal with your own feelings. There is no point in being successful without being happy, as far as I’m concerned. Creativity is just a nice icing on the cake for most people, it’s crucial only for people involved in specific fields such as design, music making, journalism and etc.
14. Juni 2021 23:31
Korrekturen · 1
Could someone kindly help me to improve it?) What is more important to have: intellect, emotional intelligence or creativity? I vote for emotional intelligence, because it’s useful for everyone no matter what they do for a living. We are social creatures, so the ability to understand each other (and ourselves) and react adequately is undoubtedly essential. Intellect might open a lot of doors, but it can’t make you happy if you aren’t able to deal with your own feelings. There is no point in being successful without being happy, as far as I’m concerned. Creativity is just a nice icing on the cake for most people, it’s crucial only for people involved in specific fields such as design, music making, journalism and etc.
Very good, not much to correct 😊
14. Juni 2021
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