Hi everyone, I want to start learning a new language. Where should I begin? Would it be better to use an app or start with books? Thank you in advance.
24. Nov. 2024 12:03
Antworten · 11
Human beings. You need human beings to start a new language.
vor 9 Stunden
I recommend something interactive and stimulating. Take a class, online or in person. Learn about the culture, not only the language. It makes it more fun and easy to remember.
vor 10 Stunden
Watch videos with subtitles first. You will get used with the sounds
vor 7 Stunden
Immersion if posssible. If not, you can watch movies with subtitles and use books and apps that way. And of course, take lessons on Italki!
vor 9 Stunden
You can start with conversations with new friends who speak the language that you would like to learn, watch movies and series, learn about the country and culture I study German nowadays and I can help by an easy way to start your trip for learning German language
vor 10 Stunden
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