Lyndo Poligloto
It's not nearly as much emotion in English. How do you say "I love you" in your language?
2. Sep. 2024 09:46
Antworten · 8
That is something I never say in English, because it feels like empty words over-used by movies.
2. Sep. 2024 10:17
I can't agree. Of course, everything depends on _how it is said._
2. Sep. 2024 13:02
Yes, we love everything. Use of "love" is highly variable from person to person. Some people use it all the time. Some, hardly ever. I think that in our culture "love" is a religious concept more than a romantic one. It is the purpose of our being. It is why we are here. "Love" varies also between countries. The Italians like to use "passion" to describe intense devotion to a way of being. For example, iTalki teachers of Italian always say they are "passionate" about language (it's true! Watch their videos). In the U.S., we would say "love" more often than "passion". We would more likely say iTalki teachers "love" languages. "Love" is always something good but "passion" can lead one astray.
2. Sep. 2024 11:51
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Lyndo Poligloto
Afrikaans, Chinesisch (Mandarin), Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Andere, Portugiesisch, Russisch, Spanisch
Afrikaans, Chinesisch (Mandarin), Französisch, Deutsch, Andere, Portugiesisch, Russisch, Spanisch