Could you please correct the sentences below? It seems to be going to be 36℃ (96.8℉) on Friday. It’s September 20th! When I google by “Tokyo weather,” Google suggests the phrases “Tokyo weather crazy” and “Breaking news: Kantō (Eastern Japan) weather crazy” lol What is happening?? I would appreciate it if you could help me.
18. Sep. 2024 16:04
Antworten · 2
To improve the first sentence: It seems like it will be 36℃ (96.8℉) on Friday. Or: It seems Friday will be 36℃ (96.8℉). Or even better, specify why it seems this way, ie, what is your information source. The second sentence is technically OK, but lacking detail: It's September 20th! To improve it slightly, you could say: It will be September 20th! But ideally you'd give a reason why this is important to know. When I Googled "Tokyo weather", Google suggested ... Or: When I searched Google for "Tokyo weather", it suggested ... ... I search "Toyko weather crazy" and "Breaking news: Kantō (Eastern Japan) weather crazy". LOL. What's going on? Or: What's up with that?
18. Sep. 2024 16:23
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