I’m still hoping to find penpals from English-speaking countries here (
18. Mai 2021 20:29
Kommentare · 22
Hi :) send me a message
19. Mai 2021
Komt uit Rusland of Russische of leer u Russische? Of aprewkje alleen Russische?
19. Mai 2021
Hi Alexa. I'm curious. What does a Russian who likes reading old books read? I enjoy old stories, but sometimes the reading is hard because of the old language. That said, Great Expectations is my favourite book of all time. I also like stories from other cultures. It's a great way to learn the language. Dumas is amazing in French, for example.
21. Mai 2021
Hi i would like to practice with you
20. Mai 2021
Dobro pojalovat 😁
19. Mai 2021
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