I looooove listening to podcasts in English!!!!!! I really want to be immersed in its vast world all the time!!!! I basically don't really focus on listening to them, I feel relax and just enjoy their English words and rythem. I guess all the podcaster love talking. I become more talkative since I was into it, because they never stop talking!!
1. Feb. 2022 14:06
Korrekturen · 6
I looooove listening to podcasts in English!!!!!! I really want to be immersed in its vast world all the time!!!! I basically don't really focus on listening to them; I feel relaxed and just enjoy their English words and rhythm. I guess all the podcasters love talking. I have become more talkative since I was into it, because they never stop talking!
Generally good! Just a few misspellings and one grammar mistake. Good job 🤩
1. Februar 2022
I looooove listening to podcasts in English!!!!!! I really want to be immersed in their vast world all the time!!!! I don't really focus on listening to them, I just feel relaxed and just enjoy their English words and rhythm. I guess all the podcasters love talking. I've become more talkative since I getting into them, because they never stop talking!!
Rhythm is one of the hardest words for even native speakers of English. I almost had to look it up. :)
2. Februar 2022
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