If you want to know how credit cards change our lives, you just ask the people who have many credit cards. One of my friends has six credit cards at least. The thing he does most every mouth is to pay
for different credit cards. the deadline of each credit cards is different. So, he withdraws money from one card to pay for another card. Does his life become better? The answer is "No". He sledom spends time with his family, but always hangs out with different friends. You know that he is the man who always pay for the bills via his credit cards. He is the best friends in his social circle, but hie is not responsible for hia family. Another friend of mine who just has one credit card. He doesn't carry it all the time. He spend his money buying the items which are only on his must-to do list. He only uses his credit card when he finds some items that shopping online with a discount ,but must buy them with a credit card. He has saved a lot of money , meanwhile he takes care of his family very well.