What differences between hold on and hold up in the following sentence? Come on. We need to go now. .... a second. Just need to find my mobile. A..hold on B. Hold up C. Hold out
22. Dez. 2020 05:07
Antworten · 4
In casual conversation, both hold on and hold up can be used to mean “wait.” In your sentence, if only one answer is right, I’d assume it would be “hold on.” However, in America, you could say ‘hold on a second’ or ‘hold up a second’ and no one would really question it.
22. Dezember 2020
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23. Dezember 2020
We use both 'hold on' & 'hold up' to mean wait. I don't know anyone who says 'hold out' to mean anything other than eg hold out that item to look at etc I'm Australia and to me 'hold up' sounds very American. I don't know, that's just my experience
22. Dezember 2020
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