Anatasya hurin Fakhi
Dad, Mum and me, yes we're just lil family, i'm an only child, and for you who said that only child is be pampered, You're Big wrong, well we are type of Asian family, we all know that we come from moderate economy family, and i'm the only hope, so what should we do? Yes.. preparing me to be able to live alone with peaceful later, they are teach me strictly, From Academic, soft skill, house chores, Ethics, Martial art, hard skills and many things, they teach me to saving and how to manage money, beacuse when i grow up and my parents getting old, there's no one who will help me.., especially i'm a girl, Maybe they are strict and quiet firce, but that's only way to make me to be able to face this tough world, Alone
6. März 2021 02:57
Korrekturen · 3
Dad, Mum and I, yes we're just a lil family, I'm an only child, and for you who said that an only child is pampered, You're wrong big time. Well we are a type of Asian family, we all know that we come from moderate economy family, and i'm the only hope, so what should we do? Yes.. preparing me to be able to live alone peacefully later, they are teaching me strict, From Academic, soft skill, house chores, Ethics, Martial art, hard skills and many things, they teach me to save and how to manage money, beacuse when i grow up and my parents get old, there's no one who will help me.., especially since I'm a girl, Maybe they are strict and quite fierce, but that's the only way to make me be able to face this tough world, Alone
6. März 2021
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