Hey there! Yesterday I watched "the colony" filmed in 2021, and you can read about it in https://m.filmaffinity.com/es/movie.php?id=500448 The movie is a simple film about a apocalyptic world, where the humans had to leave because the earth have become an imposible place to live because of the climate change,the pandemic and so on If you watch it your will spent a good afternoon watching a simple but entertained film Enjoy it!!!
2. Apr. 2022 12:25
Korrekturen · 1
Hey there! Yesterday I watched "the colony" filmed in 2021, and you can read about it in https://m.filmaffinity.com/es/movie.php?id=500448 The movie is a simple film about an apocalyptic world, where the humans had to leave because the earth had become an imposible place to live because of the climate change,the pandemic and so on. If you watch it your will spent a good afternoon watching a simple but entertained film Enjoy it!!! You use the word 'because' twice in your sentence. Perhas you could say "as a result of climate change..." or "due to climate change..."
2. April 2022
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