June 21, 2021 I have my part-time job today. And I have two face to face classes today. My daily routine so far broke. I get up earlier than so far and I can’t effectively use the time that riding a train because I can’t open the laptop due to the crowded situation. Therefore, I think it’s tough for a month. I’ll do my best, and please tell me your current position .
21. Juni 2021 00:19
Korrekturen · 2
June 21, 2021 I have my part-time job today. And I have two face-to-face classes today. My daily routine so far broke. I got up earlier than so far and I can’t effectively use the time while I was on the train because I can’t open the laptop due to the crowded situation. Therefore, I think it’s tough for a month. I’ll do my best, and please tell me your current position .
21. Juni 2021
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