July zhang
I have two biggest challenges when I am learning English in daily life. 1. I think it is so hard for me to expand my vocabulary nowadays, especially those high-level words. It is partially because I haven't got as much as time like a high school students to remember the words. But what is more challenging is, even though I tried hard to make sentences and use it in real context, I would finally forget it somehow afterwards. 2. I can't help making mistakes when I speak. I want to speak accurately and fluently, but it is so hard to meet both at the same time.
3. Dez. 2024 08:22
Korrekturen · 5
I have two biggest challenges when I am learning English in daily life. 1. I think it is so hard for me to expand my vocabulary nowadays, especially those high-level words. It is partially because I haven't got as much as time as high school students to remember the words. But what is more challenging is, even though I tried hard to make sentences and use them in real context, I would somehow forget them afterwards. 2. I can't help making mistakes when I speak. I want to speak accurately and fluently, but it is so hard to meet both at the same time. Not bad! A couple of careless mistakes muddling singular v plurals. * A high school student, for example. A is singular, students is plural, so we can’t use them together! You can easily remove these errors with practice. Keep writing July. We are all here to encourage and help you.
3. Dezember 2024
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