Hello! I have a question, "play kindly" is correct sentence? To begin with, let me explain the situation. I went to park with my son and met 2 boys there. They are older than my son and they said they want to play with us with our ball. It was ok, but i wanted tell them that play not so active (or aggressive?) because my son is 1 year old. How can i tell them?
29. Nov. 2023 05:40
Antworten · 6
Play kindly is grammatically correct, but I think "be careful" sounds more natural.
29. November 2023
"play gently with my son" he is only a year old" that could have worked too.
29. November 2023
Hi Mai, azzipog is correct. However, you could also tell them “don’t play too rough”, or “play carefully”. They are both more specific to the act of playing in a safe manner.
29. November 2023
“Don’t play too rough” is a good casual way to say it.
29. November 2023
Hi Mai, You could also say "Please play gently" or "Please be gentle, he is very young. "
29. November 2023
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