Does "perfect" have the noun meaning of "majesty"? Except the "perfect tense", I couldn't find its other noun usages. Here's the English version of a Chinese tale. I am really curious of the usage of "perfect" in that context.🙏🙏🙏
29. Nov. 2023 07:24
Antworten · 6
It’s prefect not perfect. A prefect is an older pupil at school who is responsible for younger children.
29. November 2023
I have not heard the word "prefect" used in the U.S. I have heard the word "prefecture". It refers not to a person but to a place, usually the police station, or the district controlled by the police station. Were I to hear the word "prefect" in the U.S., I would probably interpret it as a synonym for "prefecture".
29. November 2023
Entire one.
29. November 2023
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