Robin K
Google hangouts instead of Skype Hi everyone! I'm very new to italki so I'm hope that I'm not repeating a topic that has already come up before. I had hoped that when I signed up that I would find more teachers that used Google Hangouts and FaceTime instead of Skype. I had a lesson last night with a teacher and used Google Hangouts and it was great! All you need is a google account. Skype freezes on my computer. Could I get some opinions about these options to communicate?
4. Okt. 2016 00:03
Kommentare · 4
I am the about the same as bdcantre, I use Skype because most teachers do and a lot of students prefer that. I think Google Hangouts is a great option, and I have that option available for my lessons, but not a lot of people use it for some reason. I am not a fan of Facetime; the connection is usually no good and it's always so pixel-y. 
4. Oktober 2016
I tend to use Skype simply because this is what most teachers use.  Yet when we have had problems with Skype, we have tended to use Google Hangouts as a backup.  I do think it would be helpful to have both as options.
4. Oktober 2016

I've used both, and Skype has been more stable for me. I guess it depends on a few things, including your internet connection, computer power, etc. 

In general, when taking lessons, I turn off the webcam as it tends to slow things down. It also forces you to really listen. 

4. Oktober 2016
Thank you both. I wish more people would use it. It's free and easy to set-up. I had a feeling it had to do with what people were used to.
4. Oktober 2016