Why do Russians not want to be progressive and look at others all the time? I am very sad, that Russians always wait , when another developed country sets the example. Instead of showing our own ways to develop and improve a society's laws, instead of giving the world outstanding things which all humanity would receive as a model, we wait for brave minds in another culture. Russians never say : " We would improve own country" . We usually say : " We are not so bad as in Africa, therefore everything is okay"/ 
It is harmful tendency. Lets look at The Netherlands. They became the first country where an absolute monarchy disappeared .When the dutch scientist and politician - Johan Torbeke together with the dutch king - Willem 2, abolished monarchy and made the first 
parliamentary Republic, they were not looking at other countries. They just did it. England abolished serfdom in 1102. 
They weren't looking at others either. It doesn't count how people go crazy around the world. If you want to change the world, you just do it and don't wait for when the smart people in other societies will make these things first.
23. Apr. 2019 16:04
Kommentare · 10

I didn't talk about family. I only mentioned that if you want to improve life in our country do something, don't only complain. Do your best wherever you can, help whoever you can. I'm trying to do my best at my work and at home and I should say I don't live on ruin:) 

Never give up and never complain - best guidance in life, IMHO.

23. April 2019

I think this text is more about author, then about Russia. If you want to improve something, try to clean your own house and area around and don't complain about disadvantages of country you was born in. 

Sorry if it was rude, but I've written just  what I think.

23. April 2019
Sorry, dear Timur. I didn't understand that only you can draw conclusions about reality of Russia. I'm so sorry that I spoiled your session of crying about destiny of miserable country. I thought it was a discussion, where everyone could express his opinion, I was so wrong. I won't disturb you any more...
23. April 2019
Because we have Timur who will think about it...
23. April 2019
<ul class="list-inline text-light-gray no-margin-b">Belka, Oh my God,  i wrote the post about Russia.) NOT ABOUT YOU!)I love those who estimates a country by own experience and relatives. Wowwww, it is so truthful! If i don't live in ruins , NOBODY  live in ruins .... The fantastic logic, as a doctor recommended
23. April 2019
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