The future The best carrer is medicine because the doctors are importants for the elderly people. The jobs with other carrer are very difficult because many people have the same degree. I am pesimistic about the future. I think that people in south Europe have studied a lot but they work in differents jobs that they had studied at university. My example is typical. I was studing a lot for teacher but there are many teachers without job. I studied more with master but I am working in nursery school with lucky because I worked in the summer camp and the boss prefered me for her nursery school. I have oposition in public education but also I have languages for the future. I hope that my hours studing will be very good.
29. Mai 2015 20:19
Korrekturen · 3

The future

The best carrer career is medicine because the doctors are importants for the elderly people. The jobs with other carrer careers are very difficult because many people have the same degree. I am pesimistic about the future. I think that people in south Europe have studied a lot but they work in differents jobs that than they had studied at university.
My example is typical. I was studing studying a lot for to become a teacher but there are many teachers without jobs. I studied more with to get a master's (degree) but I am working in nursery school with lucky because I worked in the summer camp and the boss prefered wanted me to work at for her nursery school. I have oposition a position in public education but also I have languages for the future. I hope that my hours studing studying will be very good.


Good job! 
You could either say "studying a lot for teaching" or "studying to become a teacher." "Studying to become a teacher" is better.

29. Mai 2015

The future

The best carrer career is medicine because the [you can say "the doctors" but "the" is a definite article that refers to SPECIFICS. Since you're refering to doctors in general, I'd leave it out] doctors are importants for the [see previous note.] elderly people. The jobs with other carrer careers are very difficult because many people have the same degree. I am pesimistic about the future. I think that people in south Europe have studied a lot, but they work in differents jobs that than OR than what they had studied at university.
My example is typical. I was studing studying a lot for becoming a teacher, but there are many teachers without a job [without A job or without jobS -either are correct]. I studied more with for a master's [degree], but I am working in nursery school, with which is lucky because I worked in the a summer camp and the boss prefered refered me for a position at her nursery school. I have oposition in public education, but also I have languages for the future. I hope that my hours studing studying will be very good [good isn't wrong, but it'd be better to use a word that is more descriptive like "helpful" or "useful"].

31. Mai 2015
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