Professionelle Lehrkraft
How to pronounce “ / (slash)“? I heard BBC 6minutes English and the speaker was saying “ In 1918/1919”. But I couldn’t catch up the prononciation. It seems to hear “ strog”.
27. Feb. 2021 01:15
Antworten · 7
It's probably "stroke," as Racky says, but normally we don't use "/" in spoken English at all. Sometimes in very casual English people will say "slash," as in "He's my friend-slash-coworker," but in formal English we would only use a slash in writing, not in speech. In speech we would reword the sentence so that it doesn't contain a slash. We might say something like "between 1918 and 1919..." or "in the years 1918 and 1919..." The only exception I can think of is if you are reading a paper out loud. In that case, the speaker might read the text as "1918 slash 1919." (Saying "stoke" instead of "slash" seems strange to me, but maybe this is more common in the UK. I'm in the US.)
27. Februar 2021
I think it is “stroke”.
27. Februar 2021
27. Februar 2021
Type it into google translate and you can hear it pronounced correctly
27. Februar 2021
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