Hi! I'm learning English because I want in the future to visit another countries and meet new friends. Also I want to understand songs, interesting shows and videos on English. I hope that I could to do it and it will change my life Thanks for corrections :)
19. Feb. 2021 19:02
Korrekturen · 2
Hi! I'm learning English because I want to visit other countries in the future and meet new friends. Also, I want to understand songs, interesting shows and videos in English. I hope that I can do it and it will change my life Thanks for corrections :)
19. Februar 2021
Hi! I'm learning English because I want to visit other countries in the future and meet new friends. Also I want to understand songs, interesting shows and videos in English. I hope that I could to do it and it will change my life Thanks for corrections :)
19. Februar 2021
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