Stefanie Shen
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.意思是:生活是很简单,但是我们坚持做很复杂。Ques We can not let this sentence, more colloquial, and better understand some of it? Thank you
23. Mai 2011 03:27
Antworten · 6
we may also say like this - Life is really simple but we ourself make it complicated.
23. Mai 2011
Life is very simple but we chose to complicate it.
23. Mai 2011
i wasn't sure which sentence you would like to have it altered: the english sentence is good, the Chinese one doesn't stand. So I corrected the Chinese one.
23. Mai 2011
It can't get better. It is already more than understandable.
23. Mai 2011
23. Mai 2011
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