I call it ego. There are different levels of it: personal, of countries in the case of wars, and of humanity. It can be resumed in the belief that the world, the All, belong to me, everything belongs to me as long as i can take what i want from me. This belief can be conscious but i think it´s mostly unconscious. And it doesn't aknowledge that we also, and foremost, belong to the others and to the all. To ilustrate this point i like to think in a videogame: in the way the world of a videogame is concieved. In, say, Zelda, Link, and in last instance the player, feels that the world of Zelda's Videogame is totally theirs, there is no truly worry about the world beside the rules i have to follow to get the satisfaction of the game. And finally in Zelda's world, unlike in ours, our existence doesn't end in the world, we finish the game and our existence continues elsewhere. We think the same about this world, but thats obviously a falacy