What does "a lift home" means in this phrase: "Would you like a lift home after the meeting?" It´s the same as "Do you want me to take you home after the meeting? Thanks a lot.Thanks you all, you are all right but i have to chosse a "best answer", it will be the fisrt answering. Thanks again, and if you like a lift home ... i´ll do it very pleased!. ;)
2. Juni 2011 12:39
Antworten · 6
Someone is offering to take you home... aww, nice ! ^^
2. Juni 2011
To give someone a lift home means to take them home in your car. So, yes it means the same as 'Do you want me to take you home?'
2. Juni 2011
well not exactly to Take You Home as the person who gives you a lift doesnt take u to his home he/ she only drops u at your place in their car
2. Juni 2011
It means that the person wants to take you home in their car, so you don't have to walk or get the bus.
2. Juni 2011
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