"I find you very attractive" and "I find you are very attractive". Do they have the same meaning?
11. Juli 2011 05:29
Antworten · 5
They have the same basic meaning, but with a different flavor. "I find you are attractive" would imply that you just discovered that the person is attractive. Depending on the context, it might also imply that you didn't expect it. "I find you attractive" expresses a more pure feeling. This phrase just sounds more right. You would almost never hear the second.
11. Juli 2011
"I find you very attractive" is an old pick up line that guys use hoping to impress a girl they like.
11. Juli 2011
Yes. They have the same meaning. In fact, the first one is a short form of the second one.
11. Juli 2011
same meaning,
11. Juli 2011
Yeah they really kind of mean the same thing but, It would sound better if you said the first one because the second doesn't really sound right, but they do mean the same thing.
11. Juli 2011
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