What is "It’s ten after eleven" mean?It mean 11:10? What is "It’s ten after eleven" mean?It mean 11:10?
30. Okt. 2011 09:14
Antworten · 4
Yes, that means it's 11:10! Ten minutes after eleven o'clock. Sometimes you also might hear people say, "It's ten past eleven." Same meaning as 11:10.
30. Oktober 2011
Hello Connie? Did your English/Chinese dictionary not provide you witha an answer to the meaning of "idiosyncracies"? In the above context appropriate synonyms could be "peculiarities" or "charachteristics." Hopefully, this is sufficient for you to understand your new word, "idiosyncracies." However, should you require any further information or assistance, I know you won't hesitate to ask! Warmest wishes, Jon
4. November 2011
To Mr. Your_White_Knight Thank you for your explanation. It resolved my questions. "It’s ten MINUTES after eleven O'CLOCK" is the first of its type. Sorry, i don't understand what is "idiosyncracies", it mean? Your assistance give me great help. Thanks! Connie
4. November 2011
Hello Connie? In every language there are differing prevailing protocols. Sentence stucture can seem confusing and difficult to understand, until we become familiar with the idiosyncracies of the language and/or its rules. In the same way, there are many expressions, where words are not stated (that is understood, or accepted as being included, but not stated or written). Alternatively, at the other end of the spectrum, you may find padding or fluff, i.e. unnecessary or redundant words that add nothing to the meaning of the text. It is most obvious in the mundane situations, encountered many times each day! It happens with chinese language and culture, too! These expressions, of course, include such simple and frequent conversations as those relating to time! Now, to your question, "What is "It’s ten after eleven" mean?It mean 11:10?" I will retype you example, including (in capitals) the omitted (understood) parts of your example: "It’s ten MINUTES after (or PAST) eleven O'CLOCK (or AM or PM)." There are many more complicated examples . . . and I will be happy to assist at any time. Bye for now . . . and please take care of yourself, until we meet? Jon [email protected]
30. Oktober 2011
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