blow my head off can anyone help me finger out what "blow my head off" means??and how to use it? Is there any example ? thanks a lot!
16. Dez. 2011 16:15
Antworten · 5
Hi, remember, you want to FIGURE out, not "finger out".. "blow my head off" literally to explode your head with something.. However you must be obviously referring to the slang meaning of it which would be be referring to "affect yourself with intense emotion about something" see http://www.thefreedictionary.com/blow+(one's)+mind .. I hope this was helpful !
16. Dezember 2011
It may have some other meaning I am not aware of but it normally means to shoot oneself in the head. To blow my head off or to blow their head off.
16. Dezember 2011
"Blow my head off " is slang for criticizing someone. Example: Just because I forgot to buy the coffee, there is no need to blow my head off.
16. Dezember 2011
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